Chapter 3

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sorry, the number your calling isn't available at this moment, please try again later

It had been three times now, that he dialed the number... but she didn't pick up.......

the rain drops were rolling down the window above Noah's dark bedroom, the sound of the rain made him calm, but the loud thunder and lightning let his cold hands tremble. He had anxiety, and due to his withdrawal of anti anxiety pills, the symtoms couldn't be opressed. He tried everything, breathing exercises, Yoga, calming tea, meditation, But his mind just wouldn't shut up worrying. There was nothing compared to what he had experienced in that bathroom stall, with this girl. Nothing and no one had ever calmed him down like that.

Damn it, please pick up..... I need you,.....I need somebody to talk to

His hands were cold of fear ....shaking in pure despair.......Not able to calm down

It was there again, this fear, this angst that gripped his throat and would not let go, this feeling of drowning, of not being able to breathe, this feeling of emptiness, this feeling of dying.........

Please pick up, you said you'd be there......


he sighed and let his arms fall onto the mattress....

sorry, the number your calling isn't available at this moment, please try again later

the lump in his throat got bigger, and his breath became shorter, his hands shaking, getting cold and his eyes watering.

why was he so sick, why was his mind so ill?
What had started all this? Was it his fault?

His mother was always at work and his father lived in texas. He was completely alone. He was 19, but had no one to talk to. He had just gotten into university this year and now, he studied music.
He really had a passion for singing, writing songs and playing his instruments. But his social anxiety didn't allow him to speak to anyone, it made him so anxious, that he almost cried when he had a normal conversation. It had only been three years of having these mental illnesses, his mother was very worried about him, but she had to work, she went to the psychiatrist with him, paid for therapy, but these things just didn't cure Noah.

He needed somebody to talk to, someone that would listen to him, someone that would tell him everything would be okay. Someone like the girl in the bathroom stall,

someone like him.
I had to meet her again because she was the only one to ever come calm my nerves properly .  when she spoke my pulse dropped drastically no I didn't stop dialing the number and finally someone picked up hello are you okay I tried calling you for like three hours hello are you there all I could hear was heavy breathing shit what was going on I didn't know what to do or she also having a panic attack I certainly didn't know what to do why do you like what I want to come over you don't seem to be okay yourself no I don't need help I'm just a dream to you don't waste your time on me you're better things to do but I wanted to call you because I need your help I have anxiety pill withdrawal I don't know how to handle this amount of anxiety I'm not used to it help me say something that comes me down please.

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