Prettiest Poison

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-Prettiest Poison-

Lia, short for Ophelia. Ophelia (Lia) Mendaci was George's girlfriend of two years. God, how I despised that bitch.

She was stunningly attractive, with a rich family and an air of thrill, fun and luxury about her. Lia had nothing in her head, and she was about as dumb and ditzy as you could get. She was like a glacier, beautiful and gorgeous on top, but with nothing under the pretty surface. Thankfully her rich father could bribe her grades from a D to an A, or she'd be a worse student than me. Funny how George, a smart guy, could "fall in love" with a bitchy, spoiled little girl like Lia.

Another additional reason I disliked her was how entitled and rude she was. She treated most people like the dirt on her Saint Laurent heels. Yes, Lia wasn't very nice or very smart, but she was young, rich and pretty, and wasn't that all that mattered?

Lia was the prettiest poison I'd ever seen.

Of course, I was shamelessly jealous of Ophelia Mendaci. Maybe I was a little jealous of her beauty, wealth and popularity. But what I was most jealous was that Lia had George, and that was all I really cared about. I felt a biting heat run through my veins, envy tainting my vision with red.

She doesn't deserve him. She could never be to George what I could be to him. Never.

I checked the date, my teeth clenched. December 20th. I had a week before the anniversary, before the damned date the world would make it perfectly clear that George wasn't mine. For two years, I suffered, knowing this undeserving bitch took George from me and held him on a leash, but just out of reach from me.

But tensions had been rising in me, and after months and months of putting it off and biding my time, I decided to finally do something about Lia. It was an abrupt decision, but the inklings of the idea and the embers that sparked it had lingered in the innards of my mind for a while now. Ever since Lia stole George that December day two years ago.

I couldn't suffer any longer.

No, I had to do something about this, take matters into my own hands. And, I had to do it before the anniversary. That was just a personal touch of flair than an actual, tangible deadline. Before their relationship renewed for another long year, I needed to take action.

Am I finally doing this?

But then, my resolve solidified when I found a certain photo in my camera roll. George, Lia and I were at a park. George had an arm around Lia, and I was third-wheeling alone. Painful lashes of red-hot fury and envy surged through me, and I deleted the photo immediately. Well, I was completely sure of my sudden decision now.

Sometimes spontaneous was good.

I clicked on Wattpad to read some fanfictions, a guilty pleasure habit I had developed ever since the day I realized how I felt about George. If I couldn't have him in real life, I would simply read about alternate realities where I did. If I couldn't feel any emotions, I'd immerse myself in stories and fictional worlds where I could, just for the sake of admiring it from afar. Sometimes, George and I read fanfictions together, but I knew he read them as a joke and I didn't.

All Lia's fault. If it weren't for her, I'd have a chance.

Clenching a hand into a fist, I set down my phone and started formulating a plan in my head. It was hasty and sudden, but the urgency of the situation loomed over my head. I'd waited so long to do anything about this issue that I couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Lia was a party girl. Lia was dumb and reckless. Nobody trusted her with secrets, and she was infamously unloyal and vulgar. Get her drunk, bribe her to hook up with a random person, take some photos and fake some texts.

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