"Oh Dipper-" I tackle her, cutting her off mid-sentence. We rolled around a bit on the ground, but eventually she slipped away and slammed the door shut. I sat there panting for a few moments. Finally I hear an awkward little cough come from behind me. When I saw that it was Dipper I immediately hid my face.

"Uh..Pacifica?...What are you doing here?"

"Um nothing. Me and Mabel were just playing a game..yeah. We were playing tag."

"And why uh are you covering your face?"

"My makeups running!" I say too quickly. Of course my makeup wasn't running. I have iron clad setting spray that I use every day. I just didn't want to see me blushing. He's like crazy smart, he would obviously put two and two together to figure out why I was here.

"You know I don't care about all that stuff. You can just go find Mabel to finish whatever you were doing." He doesn't even take his eyes off of his book. "By the way, if you see waddles, Mabel is definitely hiding nearby."

"Okay." I didn't know what else to say. Here I was trapped in a room with my first real crush, and he was too busy reading some monster book to even pay any attention to me. But, like my parents always say, if you can't beat them, join them. I walk over to his bed.

"What are you reading?"

"I'm looking through some of my past entries."

"You write in this nerd book too?"

"Hey! It's not a nerd book! It's full of a bunch of mysteries in Gravity Falls. The author left a bunch of pages blank, so I figured I'd put in the stuff I've seen in here."

"Really? Can I see?" I hopped onto the bed next to him. He flipped the pages back to where he started writing. I was reading through the entries, and some of it was pretty interesting, but I was mostly focused on the pictures. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this you as a robot?" I giggled. "And you as an officer? That's adorable!" I just kept laughing at the doodles till I snorted. Then I covered my mouth. Now it was Dipper's turn to laugh at me. It was fine though. When we were just sitting there laughing, it didn't even matter that I wasn't being perfect. I could just be. Finally we were on the last couple pages. I turned it then gasped in surprise.

"Is that me?"

*Dipper's POV*

Me and Pacifica had just been looking through my journal for the past few minutes. Mostly me mentally smacking myself in the face for drawing weird doodles of myself. Why hadn't I considered that people would eventually read this book? At least Pacifica didn't seem to make fun of me for it. She just said they were cute. Of course, she did laugh, but that's beside the point. Eventually she flipped to the last few pages. Then I became really embarrassed. I forgot I drew a whole picture of her in the book. There's no way she won't think I'm a looser now. Why do I never think of these sorts of things in the moment? I laugh awkwardly as she reads the paragraph out loud.

" 'Sure, she's spoiled, and mean, and makes this weird face when she's annoyed' Hey! 'But she ended up saving me and half the town. I guess despite all her parents attempts to make her awful, there's still some hope for her after all' " She looks at me and I smile awkwardly. How do you respond to someone finding out you wrote about them in your almost-diary?

"Well, uh, this was mainly for documentation so-" I was cut off by a hug.

"Thanks," she stops hugging me. "Um..I don't have any money, but here's my earrings. They probably cost around a couple golf carts so...not a word will ever be said of this."

"Uh, okay?" I say as she places her hoop earrings into my hand. She looks back a the book.

"So what's this crossed out part?" She leans in a little closer and squints her eyes. I immediately shut the book.

"I-it's nothing important haha. Just ignore it." Just then Mabel jumps out from the door, which I now realize had been open a tiny crack as me and Pacifica were talking. Her eyes were sparkling in a way that meant only one thing.

"Matchmaker!" There was a click and a flash and suddenly I was blinded. Pacifica had wrapped her arms around me once again when Mabel had burst in and now she technically had photographic evidence of us hugging.

"Hey! Give me that!" Pacifica shouted as she jumped out towards Mabel.

"Never! It's true love!"

"It was an accident!" I chimed in. "That happened because you scared us!"

" AaaAAaGGggGhHhh YOu sCaRed uS! WE TOtAlLy WeReNt mAkInG OuT!"

"We weren't!" Me and Pacifica said at the same time.

"Give me that photo before I sue the crap outta you! This is slander!"

"I'll give it back if you will admit that you li-" Pacifica shoved her hands over Mabel's mouth.

"Okay, okay. I get it. Keep the stupid picture. But you-" She pointed to me. "-better make sure that anyone who sees it knows it was not a real hug." She took her hands off of Mabel's mouth and walked away.

*Mabel's POV*

I knew that all I would have to do is get those two crazy kids together and they would start up a relationship on their own. As soon as I was out of the picture, Pacifica made her move for Dipper. He even let Pacifica look through his mystery book. That's how you know he must really like her. I'm not even really allowed to look through it. I was watching the whole time by opening the door a crack when they were occupied. I looked at them giggling and laughing and I knew that once again I was the perfect matchmaker! When I looked again, I saw that they were even hugging!!!! I took a moment to get my camera, then I burst open the door. Once I took the photo though, they were quick to tell me they weren't really hugging. I knew better. No one is a better matchmaker than Mabel Pines, and they were totally the perfect match! If either of them would admit it. I figured that would be the most complicated part.

That night, I was lying in bed and I was looking at Dipper as he finally put down his book. I knew I had to ask about Pacifica, but surprisingly he asked me first.

"So Mabel, what were you and Pacifica doing before you came into the room?"

"Uh, that's not important right now. What is important is your chemistry!!!!"

"Please Mabel, there is no way I would ever like a Northwest. No matter what you put in that scrapbook, it won't prove anything." He says that, but when he thought I couldn't see, I saw him put Pacifica's earrings in his super secret box. The one that was supposed to be full of Wendy pictures. I also noticed my hugging picture had been removed from my scrapbook. I wonder where it went...

*Dipper's POV*

Once Mabel scared Pacifica off, I knew I would have to get that picture from Mabel. It was actually kinda fun hanging out with Pacifica, so the least I could do was not put a stain on her family name or whatever. I spent the rest of the day waiting. Towards the late afternoon, when Mabel was using the bathroom, I grabbed her 'relationships scrapbook' and flipped to the most recent page. I grabbed the picture, then put the scrapbook back where I found it. I had the photo, but I couldn't just give it back to her now, it was almost dark. I thought back to how often Mabel raided my stuff. Really, the only place she wouldn't check was my journal or my not-so-secret box of secrets. I realized that in order to give the photo back to Pacifica, I would need mobility. I figured if I hid it in my journal, I would be able to sneak it out of the shack without Mabel knowing. I placed it in my notebook, and right as Mabel was coming into the room too.

Later that night, Mabel was flipping through her scrapbooks adding stickers and glitter to everything. I thought she would notice that me and Pacifica's pictures were missing, but she never said anything. And Mabel says a lot of things, so I figured I was in the clear; at least for now. I realized that I still had Pacifica's earrings though, and I knew I needed a place to hide them as well. For most of the day I had kept them in my pocket, but when it was about time for me and Mabel to change into our sleep clothes, I realized I had no where to put them. So, when Mabel was too distracted by her scrapbook, I put the earrings into the box of secrets. What would I want with girls' earrings? I'm sure Mabel would just tape them up in her scrapbook. It was the only logical place to put them.

That's how I'm thinking about all of this. Logically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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