Mini Golf

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Author's Note: Shello! This is when Pacifica and Mabel had their golf war. Btw, I know the chapters so far have been from Pacifica's POV, but some of the chapters not actually based on episodes later will have different perspectives.

*Pacifica's POV*

As I walked into the putt putt place, the first thing I saw was Mable and her awkward brother Dipper. I looked them right in the eyes. After a week of hard training, I could look Dipper Pines in the eyes and absolutely nothing would happen. That voodoo magic wouldn't work on me. I looked him right in the eyes to let him know. I bet whatever weird book potion he used on me was strong, but a Northwest's mind is stronger. Of course, as I was thinking about magic spells, I accidentally kept eye contact with him for a few seconds too long. Of course, I hadn't prepared myself for prolonged periods of looking into Dippers eyes, so that weird sparkly feeling started to rear it's ugly head. Immediately I went to the bonus hole and hit the shot. Perfect, as usual. It was nice to win. I eyed Mabel next to me and took off my glove.

The second I won, though, Mabel started shouting. This couldn't be good. She demanded a rematch. After hours at the putt putt place? Not my style, but Northwests never turn down a challenge. Challenge accepted, wonder twin.

Once I pulled up to the golfing place, my parents gave me a speech about winning. I basically knew it by heart though. They repeated it to me every time I had any kind of competition. Or anytime, really. I got out of the car and walked in. Mabel had this whole dramatic entrance planned out. Was she really just sitting in the dark waiting for me? Weird. I saw Dipper standing next to her. That was unexpected. Good thing he happened to be looking away though, or that weird, ticklish feeling could have come back. Anyways, we got right into the game.

What. The. Actual. Fork. Why was I loosing so much? I know the holes are supposed to be random, but there's no way I would randomly be loosing every game! Maybe there's a reason Mabel was waiting in the dark. What was she planning? As I nearly choked on the pit from my cola, I was pulled into the bushes behind me. I could feel myself being placed somewhere and tied up. Really? I was being kidnapped right now? This night was not going as planned. I'm looking around in the darkness trying to make sense of my surroundings when a bunch of lights turned on. I was tied up on one of the courses? And what the hell were these little children of the golf ball doing surrounding me? Mabel was having a full on conversation with them, while, hello, I'm tied up! Apparently, Mabel isn't a very good public speaker since all these little golf goblins start attacking her and Dipper. Worst of all, they start up this windmill behind me, and it basically becomes some sort of saw. Yeah, I needed to get out of there quickly.

Finally, Mabel comes and unties me. She and Dipper hijacked a golf cart, and me and my trainer hopped on. Well, a few seconds later, he hopped off, but I can just pay for a new one. We managed to get out of that cursed golf course into the real world. I was so mad I punched the gate to the course. "I will sue you and I will own you!" I yelled. Of course, I didn't really feel like doing anything. I turn towards Dipper and Mabel and was about to chew them out when Mabel did something completely unexpected. She apologized. I guess she wasn't really the worst. Not even my friends would ever apologize to me. It was bittersweet I think. This shabby red car parks next to us, and Dipper and Mabel hop in. Mabel even offers me a ride. Yeah, no. I'm not that desperate. A giant thunderclap interrupted my thoughts.

I was now wedged in between Dipper in Mabel. Dipper was just reading from that stupid book of his, and Mabel was digging around in the backseat. I looked down at my right knee. It was touching Dipper's. I looked forward again. Being this close I had to be very careful not to let that weird awkwardness overtake me again. It was pretty hard, but I did it. Mabel finally stopped her shuffling and pulled out two tacos. She told me she would sh-are them with me. Sh-areing is actually pretty cool. I'm gonna try to do it more often.

I walk back into my home without looking back. I knew my beautiful, extensive lawn would draw anyone's eyes this way, and if I looked back I risked eye contact. Absolutely not. I walked right into my house and looked through the window, like a civilized person. I saw there little red car drive away. 'It isn't really that shabby I guess. It just needs some straightening up.' I thought. I lay into bed and think about how cool Dipper and Mabel actually are. They go on those adventures all the time, right? Didn't I just hear about them defeating some sort of weird monster? I fall asleep dreaming about going on an adventure with them. It even ends with me and Dipper- Talking! Yeah, talking. haha. 

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