3; Promotion Ceremony

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Felicity could feel her patience dwindling as her smile became strained, but she was cut off before she could defend herself further by a familiar voice.

"Miss Smith is a fine match for any man here, Mrs. Bennett. You should do well to remember that she is quite the competition for your daughters." 

Felicity turned her head to meet the kind eyes of one Theodore Groves. The man was standing behind her in all his finery. He looked quite handsome in his Naval uniform and it was plain to see that most women were eyeing him, even the married ones.

Mrs. Bennett was not pleased with Theodore's statement, "My daughter Jane is already engaged to Lieutenant Gillette and I do believe we are expecting a proposal from Commodore Norrington to my second oldest Elizabeth. After all he has talked of her beauty."

Felicity couldn't help but inwardly cringe at the thought of James marrying one of the Bennett girls. It wasn't that their five daughters weren't beautiful or accomplished, it was their overbearing mother. She felt bad for Bennett girl as Felicity saw her trying to head to the back to see James. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress and had one of the biggest hats on. Felicity turned her gaze to Theodore who gave her a knowing look.

"If you'll excuse us I believe the ceremony is about to start." 

Theodore didn't wait for an answer and took both Felicity's and Elizabeth's hands to escort us away. As soon as they were out of ear shot all three of them let out sighs of relief. It was always an up hill battle when someone talked to the mother of Bennett girls.

"Thank you Teddy." Felicity said with a relieved smile.

"Anytime Red." Theodore replied with a bow before leaving for his post.

Elizabeth and Felicity quickly made their way to the front near Governor Swann as everyone took their places. The crowds chatter dissipated into hushed whispers as the red coats began the ceremony. The soldiers had practiced with precision for this ceremony as the drum beat kept steady. Felicity waited with bated breath for a glimpse of James once the drums stopped.

He looked as handsome as ever in his crisp new uniform of navy blue. He held his head high and his eyes trained forward with determination, but Felicity could see how nervous he was. She could always tell. 

His lip would quirk up in almost a wincing manner whenever he was unsure on how proceed forward. Felicity gave him an encouraging smile as he walked past her and Elizabeth trying to give the boost of confidence he needed to continue forward. He sent a her grateful nod of acknowledgment.

After James had reached Elizabeth's father he gave him a curt nod of greeting. Governor Swann acknowledged him by removing the freshly forged sword and scabbard from the presentation case. James grasped the scabbard above the Governor's hand and withdrew the sword as if he was born for it. He flourish it with a wave and showed his skill with an expert hand and professional stance. It wasn't long before James decided that the sword was of fine quality and tied the sword to his belt. He then waited for Elizabeth's father to step forward once more and pin another medal to James' coat.

The red head fanned herself rapidly while as she stole a glanced up at the sun beating down on the crowd, before looking back at the ceremony once more. She had been right that morning about the heavy fabric of her gown weighing her down. She could feel herself melting under the harsh sun and feared she would faint from lack of air.

As the ceremony continued on Felicity turned her attention to Elizabeth only to become concerned. The young looked like she was barely getting oxygen into her lungs and Felicity knew the humid air wasn't helping. Felicity cursed the Elizabeth's maids as she vowed silently that she would help her friend as soon as the ceremony was over. 

CURSE OF THE RUBY | JAMES NORRINGTON ¹Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat