Three: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Halting, I swallowed hard at my brother's calculating sleepy look as he stepped out into the hallway. He rubbed the end of his palm against an eye, muttering, "Gigi... It's almost midnight. Where the hell have you been?"

I should have known that my brother's hearing would catch me. Though us Weres had heightened hearing, Wade always seemed to have a better ability to hear better than the rest of us. Remember I mentioned that Warrior gene? This was a good example.

"I, uh, was with—with Eden and Molly at the park."

"All night?" he questioned, frowning and crossed his arms while resting his shoulder against the door frame. It kind of reminded me of the way Ridge had stood hours before.

I shook my head then looked up at my brother to sigh, "Look, Wade... I'm really tired. Do you think that I can get some sleep and discuss this tomorrow?"

My brother stared at me, his eyes wide awake now as he frowned, "You've been crying."

I winced, shaking my head that I haven't.

"Yes, you have. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Wade, I'm serious. It's just menstrual cramps, okay? They are hurting, like, a lot." I grumbled then waved at my bedroom door that was only ten paces away. "Can I go to my room now... please?"

My brother looked hesitant in letting go of the matter but then nodded. I could feel him watching me as I walked to my room and shut the door behind me.

Once I heard his own door shut close, I broke down against the door. I dropped to my knees and covered my mouth to hide the noise from traveling.


I turned my head towards the door where my little brother was knocking. Honestly, I really didn't want to answer or let him in. He was my baby brother, sure, but right now—right now I was feeling like total shit.

"Gigi... Are you in there?" Cody called, knocking once more.

Groaning, I rolled onto my stomach and pushed myself up onto my haunches. Then I fixed my tank top properly before getting up and dragged myself to the door.

Pulling it open, I rested the side of my head against the side of it, droopy eyed and sluggish. "What..." I deadpanned.

Cody, taking on being the smaller version of Wade with his hazel eyes and bright brown hair, cocked his head to the side with a frown. His eyes did a once over of me, pursing his mouth to the side and then met my eyes.

"What happened...?"

I should have known this little rugrat would have been able to see through my facade that I was doing quite a horrible job of hiding anyway. Though he was only fourteen, Cody was quite intuitive about things; like knowing when his favorite sister is going through something. And I say favorite sister because he mentioned that I was.

"Nothing... what's up, little brother?" I sighed, forcing a small smile.

Cody narrowed his eyes, shaking his head slowly that he can sense something was off about me and he wanted to know what. He even went to pull the whole, "I tell you everything, so you can't keep secrets from me."

"I'm not," I lied. "I just... Code, it's just that time of the month and I am a bit drained is all."

"Is that why you were crying last night... all night?" he asked, lowering a brow.

Dark Shadow (Book 1 in the REWRITTEN DARKNESS Duology)Where stories live. Discover now