"Nice to meet you! Thanks for coming with Fluke." Annabella politely shake hands with Ohm.

"Nice to meet you as well." Ohm returns the gesture.

Fluke and Ohm then decided to sit at the table. They have a few drinks while people came to greet Fluke and, of course, eyeing Ohm. They are curious about Fluke's new boyfriend. They asked him what he does, what his family do, etc. Obviously gossiping about Ohm later. Ohm doesn't care much though. He expects this to happen when he agrees to come with Fluke. They might gossip about him behind his back, but right now, they are all polite. Therefore, he doesn't mind their curiosity.

After all the continuous chatting, Fluke wants to use the restroom. He heads to the bathroom after telling Ohm. Everyone has come to the dance floor when the party deepens, enjoying the night. Ohm is watching the scene, it's not his type of fun. He enjoys quite pub when he needs a drink. Suddenly, a man walks to the table, cutting his sight of the dance floor.

"So you are his new toy." Dylan mockingly says to Ohm.

"Do I know you?" Ohm asks, a little annoyed.

Dylan is shocked. How is there a person who doesn't know him. "You don't know me? I'm Dylan Partina, son of Marquess Partina, the famous model."

"Oh really? Good to know now." Ohm says sarcastically. He slightly turns away, clearly showing he doesn't want to talk to Dylan.

Dylan is extremely irritated by Ohm's behavior. "You should break up with him soon. The person who is worth by his side is me. And I'm here; so, you should back off."

"I don't get what you are saying. For all that I know, I am the one being introduced as his boyfriend right now. So the one who should be back off, is YOU." Ohm calmly says. Now he realized what this man wants. He wants to play this pissing game, Ohm will play it.

"A commoner like you have no right to be with him. Meanwhile, I have everything, from title to money. Beside, I have dated him before. We have a past, I knew him better than you."

"Well, you sound like a spoiled brat even if you have everything. So please don't bother me and my boyfriend anymore Dylan." Fluke, who had just get back from the restroom, speaks up behind Dylan.

"Fluke, I didn't think you would date such a shitty commoner. You should stop playing now. We should get back together." Dylan turns to Fluke, once again, asking to get back together.

"You dare to call my boyfriend shitty? Are you saying I'm shit too?"

"No! I didn't..."

"Whatever you mean, I'm done with you! You should save whatever face you have left. That will never happen. Like I said before, we are no longer acquaintance but stranger since you kept mentioning about this. Now leave us, Dylan!" Fluke firmly demands. He doesn't care that they are gaining attention of other people.

Dylan, too, realizes people have turn to look at them. He doesn't want people to look badly at him. "I will have you back. Mark my words." He says those last words then leave to his friends. He is so angry. He can't believe the reason why Fluke won't get back to him is because of a fucking commoner. He won't sit still.
Quickly, Dylan fishes out his phone from his pant's pocket and text his manager. "Contact a few reporters, tell them to come to this address if they want a good scoop."

Meanwhile at Fluke and Ohm's table, Fluke wants to leave right away because of his foul mood. However, Ohm doesn't want the night to be ruined by an unimportant person. He knows Fluke would regret for not saying a proper goodbye to his friend. He tries to cool the mood.

"It's ok, babe. Don't let an unworthy person ruin your mood. It's not worth it!"

"I can't believe he said such things to you. I clearly rejected him 2 times. What is it that he doesn't understand?"
Fluke says, pouting. He doesn't like it when people talk to his boyfriend like that right in front of him.

"It's not your fault you have an annoying ex. Should you give me a list of all your ex so I know how to deal with them?" Ohm jokingly say, hoping Fluke would feel better.

"Hey! You make it sounds like I date a lot of people."

"Certainly more than me." Ohm laughs when Fluke pouted even more. He leans in to kiss Fluke's cheek and says, "I'm just kidding. I don't care how many people you have dated before, as long as you are with me in the present."

"I have such cheesy boyfriend." This time, it's Fluke's turn to tease.

"Enough to make a pizza for you, Your Highness." Ohm winks.

The two continue flirting with each other, enjoying their own world in the loud party. The foul mood is forgotten. They stayed till midnight and decided to leave. They said goodbye to Annabella and a few people. They walk out into the cold air. Ohm puts his hand around Fluke's waist, pulling him closer, hoping to keep him warm. Since it's late at night, the area is really quite. Ohm opens the car's door for Fluke to get in. Suddenly, Fluke freezes. He thinks he saw something flash across the street. He stares ahead but couldn't really see anything except trees.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Ohm asks, a worried look on his face.

"I thought I saw something. But, it might have been the alcohol." He gets in the car, disregarding his weird thought. Ohm quickly follows.

"Do we have water in the car?" Ohm asks Fluke's body guard.

"No, sir. Since it's a rental car; so we don't have it. Do you want me to stop by a convenience store?"

"Yes, please. Thank you!" Ohm answers. He turns to Fluke, "let's get you some water so you won't have a bad hangover later."

Fluke agrees. He leans his head on Ohm's shoulder. Now that they in the car to go home, he feels lightheaded. He must have drank more than he thought. After they got water, Ohm makes sure Fluke drink all of it. When they arrived at Ohm's apartment, the couple stay in the car together a little more, not wanting to part each other just yet.

"You feel better?" Ohm asks, his hand playing with Fluke's hair.

"Yeah, I feel better. You should go and rest, in case you have to go in tomorrow." Fluke sits up, removing his head from Ohm's shoulder.

"Ah, I wish I can stay with you more. I will miss you. Text me when you are arrived." Ohm says, hugging his boyfriend one last time for the night. Then he gets out the car, heading toward his condo. Suddenly, he turns back toward the car. Fluke turns the window down. The street light shines on his doe eyes that are looking up at Ohm, making them sparkling even more.

"You forgot something?" Fluke asks.

"Yeah, my goodnight kiss." Ohm leans down and kiss Fluke's lips. It was quick, but enough for Fluke's face to become a tomato. He shyly smiles and tells Ohm to go in. Ohm waves his hand, walking backward to the entrance of his building. Little did they know, all their actions were caught. They enjoy their last moment as a secret couple.

It is calm before the storm.

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