Jack's P.O.V

We had finally gotten up to the porch.
"You know I think we should skip the middle man and just leave now" I tried to convince him which I knew wouldn't work but it was worth a shot.
"Jack can you at least give this a chance" Chase retorted. And knocked on the door. Almost immediately an older gentleman answered
"You must be Mr.Jameson and you must be Jackson, I'm Scott Kampton but everyone here calls me Scotty" Scott said and reached his hand out as if I was gonna shake it
"Nice to meet you" I said avoiding his hand. I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to actual human contact but that is more of a personal problem on my part.
"Yeah nice to meet you too" I said being polite because if I wasn't I knew that Chase would be upset about it and I'm not trying to make him upset again considering once again this is a new foster home for me.... again. " So uhm how many other kids are here?" I asked
"There are 7 other kids but now 8 counting you and 9 people counting me" Scotty said counting them up. Which let me telling you I was not excited about because no offense to them or anything but I hate other people in general so this was not exciting especially other teenagers which was the worst part of it all.
"Yay" I said so sarcastically that I could tell Chase wanted to slap me (No not abusive it's joking)
"Don't worry they are really nice people" Scotty claimed but I didn't believe him almost no one is nice and if they are it's probably an act. No doubt about it, I'm just saying. But I have to at least try to give this a chance because it gets harder and harder on Chase when I have to leave a foster home.
"Well why don't you guys come inside" Scotty said inviting us in. "The others are around here somewhere it's a pretty big place it's hard to keep track of where they are sometimes" He admitted
" Why don't I show you around?" Scotty offered.
"Sure that would be nice" I answered being as respectful as I could be because if I am being completely honest that isn't exactly my strong suit. But Chase seemed overly confident in this arrangement. So if he was this confident it was a good pick I'll give it a go I guess.
I walked into the house and my first impression was definitely that he had an older fashioned style going on for sure. But with a modern twist if that makes sense.
The first room was like a small foyer that lead to a staircase which brought you to the second level.
"This is more of an extra room, but this is one of the living rooms" Scotty explained, We walked into the room to the left which was a medium sized room tan walls with an open concept into the living room which also had tan walls, the medium sized room has a round table on the smaller size with a few chairs around it and the living room had two couches and a chair, the chair was next to the medium size room one couch across from it and one couch between them, behind the couch was a big bay window and in front of the couch was fireplace with a tv above it.
"This is the dining room" We walked back to the foyer and went to the right side this time, which lead to the dining room, the walls were blue and to the right was a window and then to the left was another door, in the middle of the room was a dining table with a shit ton of chairs. It seemed very classy and proper, which threw me off because it was different from what I've seem so far.
"Now if you go through this door it's the kitchen" The kitchen was different from how I've ever seen one before. Immediately when you walk in there was a bigger sized fridge to the right. In the middle of the kitchen there was an island with pots and pans hanging from above it.  Under the pots and pan was the stove. and behind the stove across from the island were two ovens one above the other. All of the cabinets and appliances were white but the walls were blue like the dining room. We went back through the dining room but this time we went through glass french doors at the end of the dining room that lead to another living room.
"This is the second living room" Scotty explained this living was much like the other in the sense that there was a tv above a fireplace couches set up the same and another bay window expect that walls in this room were also the same blue as the dining room and kitchen. 
We headed upstairs now
"Now this is where most of the bedrooms are and each bedroom has it's own bathroom" I was told, as we walked down the hall the doors each had a name on it saying who's bedroom was who's "I don't like to invade anyone's privacy and for that reason I won't be showing everyone's bed room but if they later want to show you they can" Scotty assured, we walked up another set of stairs which lead to another hall of bedrooms
"This floor is where my bedroom is" He told me opening his door which also had his name on it, his room was very uhm basic in the nicest way to put it.
"This is my room "he finally said as I walked out although it was already obvious. We walked to the other end of the hall to a door with my name on it.
"This will be your room" He said opening the door
"Why don't we let you check out your room and unpack while I talk to Scotty downstairs" Chase told me while Scotty agreed
"Sure" I huffed. I knew what that meant, that's what he says when they are talking details about my that they don't want them to know that they are sharing, more of personal things that really shouldn't even concern them but whatever as long as he doesn't try to talk to me about that shit.
I fully walked into the room, and my first impression was 'wow this is a huge room' and compared to any other room I've had it is. my favourite part of it was this one wall area which had a window seat area in it as it the walls/ roof were made around like a different type of bay window. The bed was also definitely bigger than I've ever had, it definitely was a queen which was insane. Behind the bed was two windows that were literally floor level but that was because since we are on the stop floor the walls are lower because of the roof. The walls were a tan-ish red colour and the was a wardrobe on one side of the bed and a red chair on the other, behind the chair was a night stand and across from the night stand next to the bay window was a built in shelf, next to the shelf was the door to the bathroom, in the bathroom the walls were the same colour as the room, there was a tub and attached shower, in the shower there was a window and I honestly never understood the concept of that, also on the wall in the shower were more shelves and once again it made no sense but okay, next to the shower on one side was a jack and Jill sink and vanity mirror and on the other side was obviously the toilet.
And with that said and done I had officially checked out my room but I knew they weren't going to be done talking so I put my bag down on the chair, no I wasn't going to unpack there was no point and I never did anyways. I sat down in the bay window against the wall and took out my phone, I figured I'd give them some more time before I rained on their parade.
But as I was just playing a game on my phone I heard someone knock on the opened door so my head immediately snapped towards the door. When I looked the door way and to my surprise it wasn't another teenager but a young girl who was no older than 11, she had hazel eyes and curly blonde hair.
"Hi i'm Faye" the young girl announced shyly.
"It's nice to meet you Faye, I'm Jack" I responded, she walked into the room and sat down on, then just kinda looked at me
"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside" She giggled and if I was a kid and say someone wearing sunglasses inside where it clearly isn't sunny I'd laugh too.
"What do you mean it's so bright in here" I answered all dramatically, she laughed even more in response to that. I tend to be good with children I'm not sure why but they always seem to like me.
"It's not bright silly" Faye said laughing really hard.  I pulled out another pair of sunglasses from my bag and handed them to her and she put them on
"See I told you it's so bright in here" I claimed
"Noo, I'm only wearing them to look cool" She told me and this time I was the one laughing
"Soo cool" I joked "You can keep them if you want" I offered, I have a few pairs in my bag as backups honestly it'd be best not to question it.
"Really?" She asked all excited and her eyes lit up.
"Yeah they're all yours" I told her. She gasped in excitement
"Wait right here" She directed and ran out of the room which honestly confused me but I did as told and waited in the room. She came running back in a few moments later with a beaded bracelet
"Here this is for you" She told me handing me the bracelet, it was blue and white beads on an elastic string. So I put the bracelet on.
"Why thank you, I love it" I exclaimed looking at it on my wrist. 

"Jack" I heard Chase shout from the distance.
"I have to go downstairs now Faye, but I'll see you later okay?" I explained
"Okayy" She said leaving the room, a few moments later I also left the room and headed downstairs. This was the part that usually meant that Chase would be leaving, which honestly was always my least favourite part.
"There he is," Chase announced as I walked down the stairs. They were standing next to the door which meant it really was time for Chase to leave which was upsetting. I walked with Chase back to his car.
"Jack please just give this place a chance I think it'll be good" Chase pleaded
"I doubt it's any different from the rest but I'll try for you" I told him which really wasn't true. It never is, the places are always the same and always have the same outcome so honestly what's the point.
"And if you need anything I'm always a phone call away" Chase told me like he always does every time I get to a new foster home and it comes time for him to leave. "Bye Jack I do have to get going though"
I sighed and nodded "Bye Chase" I said walking away from the car and back to the house, I sat down on the porch steps and watched as his car started and drove down the drive way and out of sit.
That's it im officially alone here with strangers once again,

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