“Hello?” A peppy barmaid asked.

“Hi Shan, put Cal on please.”  I told her.

“Alright Kat.” She replied, she called my brother. He was at the phone almost instantly.

“Cal, I was talking to this boy-” I started.

“Boy? I thought I said no boys, Katharina.” He said firmly.

“Caleb!” I said firmly. “Hear me out. He’s the spitting image of Lorelei, and guess what his mother is called?”

“It could just be a coincidence Kat, I know how much you miss everyone, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself.” He sighed.

“But what if it’s her, Cal? We can’t be the only two left.” I told him sadly.

“I know, kitten, but it might not be her, don’t get your hopes up.” He told me. “But I give permission for you to go check it out, you call me when you’re done.”

“Alright Cal.” I answered.

“Love you.” He told me. “Be careful.”

“I will, love you too.” I replied. “Bye.” I sighed, hanging up.

“What was that about?” Kayne asked, considerably closer to me than he was before.

“Doesn’t matter, so, the tutoring at your house?” I asked.

POV Kayne-

She was fourteen, small and weak, what damage could she do? It’s not like she’s the slayers my mother talked about. So I agreed. “My parent will be home when I ‘get home from school’, can I just hang here until school is over?” He asked.

POV Kat-

“Sure.” I answered, sitting again. “Take a seat.”

To my surprise he sat, but he looked suspicious. But he loosened up after ten minutes or so.

For the rest of the time until his school ended we just talked.

“Why aren’t you good at your school work? Your mother is very smart.” I shrugged, and then I noticed my error. “Presumably.” I added.

“Why are you so good at school work?” He groaned.

I sighed. “I just am.”

“Well, time to go.” He sighed, holding out his hand. “Coming?”

I nodded and let him pull me up. “Show me the way.” I shrugged, dropping his hand as soon as I was on my feet.

All he did was shrug and lead the way. “Mom! I’m home, with a guest!” He called once we got to his house.

“Oh, who is it Kayne?” Lorelei! It was her! And as she walked into the hall to greet the new guest she recognized me, her hands flew to her mouth, eyes wide. “Katharina? I-I thought you were dead!” She was almost in tears.

As was I. “Same for you.” I answered. In seconds we were hugging. “I missed you so much.” I squeezed her tightly.

“Are your parents-?”




“Caleb?” She asked quietly, expecting me to say he was dead too.

“Alive.” I answered.

“Poor little Lilith, she was so young.” She whispered. I nodded into her shoulder. “Oh cousin, it must’ve been hard.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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