fifteen ; kiss or no kiss

Start bij het begin

"He'll get stronger, just watch..." My eyes grew heavy and soon closed.


"This girl can absolutely sleep anywhere. Wake up (Y/n), it's time for breakfast." I heard Naomi say. I opened my eyes and saw my teammates walking in, with the boys tailing behind.

"Goshiki, my little babyyyy," I called him and he looked up.

"Moooommmm," He smiled at me and I walked up to him.

I ruffled his hair and pinched his cheeks, "How's training? Is it hard for you?"

"It is hard but I'm strong!" He said enthusiastically.

"Yeah right," Shirabu commented which caused Goshiki to look at him annoyed.

"You know, Wakatoshi-kun sometimes mumbled your name in his sleep." Shirabu informed as we sat at the dining table.

"Hey speaking of Ushi, where is he?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He might still be asleep. Yesterday, he worked extra hard so I'm guessing he's still tired. Can you give him his breakfast later (Y/n)? He's in the room opposite yours." Shu asked.

"Got it." I quickly ate my food and washed my dishes. After that, I took Ushi's breakfast and started heading to his room. I entered his room quietly when I arrived.

It was only 5am so he should be waking up soon. I placed his breakfast on the table next to his bed and walked to him.

"Ushi, wake up." I shook him but he still remained unfazed.

I huffed in annoyance and shook him again. "Ushijima, wake up-" I was suddenly cut off when I was pulled into the bed, letting out a yelp.

"I'm sleeping," He grumbled, his morning voice raspy.

"I know that but you have to eat your breakfast or it will get cold." I said and sat up.

"What time is it?" He asked and he sounded more awake.

"Like 5 in the morning."

He stood up suddenly and started walking to his bathroom.

"Hey hey where are you going?" I looked at him.

"I'm going to shower and then head for my morning jog." He replied and was about to enter the bathroom when I stopped him.

"No you are going to come back here and eat your breakfast. You are not going for your jog, I know that the team has a session for jogging which happens at 7 and not 5. Shu said you worked extra hard yesterday and I know you are still tired so you are coming back to this bed and eat your breakfast this instant." I ordered.

He looked at me for awhile before he headed back to the bed.

"Good, now I am going to stay here and make sure you eat it and then you will continue resting until it is time for training to start." I said and turned on the TV in his room, trying to find a channel that was interesting enough.

Ushijima had already started eating his breakfast and I was still trying to find something to watch now that I was on Netflix.

"Kuroko's Basketball..?" I mumbled and pressed it, the anime now playing. I was so immersed in it that I didn't hear Ushi call me until I felt something on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I screamed and turned around, only to see Ushi's face a few inches away from mine. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks and the sudden closeness.

"You didn't hear me call you," He said, clearly not affected by our faces being inches apart.

"I-I'm s-sorry?" That turned out more like a question.

"It's okay," He replied and we just stared at each other, not realising our faces were growing closer.


There at the door was Zoe with her hands in her hair, as if she had seen something horrifying.

"Zoe, why are you screami--
oh. Well we'll leave you guys alone," Hayato appeared and carried Zoe away from our door.

I started blushing. I was about to kiss Ushi! We were about to kiss!

"I gotta go, bye!" I shouted and ran off, but knocked into the wall instead.

"Are you ok-"

"I'm fine!"

I ran to my room and slammed my door shut. I leaned against the door and calmed down. It's okay right? I mean we were just going to kiss, it's nothing big. No, ITS DEFINITELY BIG DEFINITELY.

I quickly stood up and showered, and started thinking. I almost kissed Ushijima and I haven't even showered! Gosh, where is my manners?! [a/n: imagine having manners 🤡]

I got out and wore my clothes, which basically was white shorts and a purple shirt tucked in. I walked out of my room and walked to the entrance, wore my shoes and headed to the house which was turned into a mini gym.

Everyone was already present including Coach Washijo and Uncle Reiji. Naomi and Shu were at the side, talking to each other.

"Now that everyone's here, we will now start training beginning with an hour's jog in the mountains. To the girls, good luck and welcome to hell."


or so you thought!

???'s Pov

"Ma'am, it seems she arrived back at Japan at April and is attending Shiratorizawa Academy."

"Good job Fei, you may go now." He bowed to me and left the room. I turned around and looked at the picture on my desk, a picture of Sakamaki (Y/n).

"Just you wait (Y/N), I'm coming for you."


❛ 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐂𝐄 ❜ ━━━ (𝘂. 𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu