Part one

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 Okay, so just to warn you. This is pretty much a joke with a few friends, but enjoy.


"I didn't mean to kill her. But, was it really my fault? I have slowly been gaining Sangwoo's trust after he kidnapped me, and I needed to do this. I had to do it for him." 

I was out on my daily walk, a late November morning, with the smell of last nights rain stinging my nose. I pass a quiet neighborhood, I've taken this route before, but today, it seemed different. It looked more dead, most of the building's lights turned off, accept one. The house had a large brown gate, almost impossible to see what's happening past the fence. As I walk past it, a man opened the gate, causing me to fall right into him.

  "Are you okay?" the tall man asked, grabbing my hand to help lift me back onto my feet.

"Yes, sorry." I manage to say. Honestly, I was flustered, but mostly embarrassed. He begins to introduce himself to me. "Sangwoo, Oh sangwoo." He says as he smiles at me. 

This man was handsome to say the least, with a toned, muscular body, a pretty face, and a charming personality. 

"So y/n, what brings you on this side of the city?" he asks.

"O-oh, you live close to my b-bus stop", why was it so hard to talk? I've met many attractive people throughout my lifetime, but for some reason he was different.

"Would you like me to just drive you there instead?"

"N-no, it's all good. I'm really only a few blocks to the bus stop."

"I insist." He smiles at me. I nod my head and enter his car. The ride was normal. I didn't say much, he didn't either. We arrive at my school and I thank him for the ride. 

After school, I make my way to the bus stop, for some reason I felt watched. As I sit there fidgeting with my skirt, I notice the same white car, parked a few blocks down. "Sangwoo..". It can't be him, maybe I'm still not over what happened earlier. Yeah, that has to be it. After all, I did honestly make a huge ass of myself. The bus pulls up and I enter. Roughly 30 minutes or so, I reach my stop. My heart racing as I force my rubber-like legs to walk. I continue walking, Sangwoo's cars gone. That means he is probably somewhere else, right? I knew I was being paranoid. I keep walking, not even a block past his house, and my body stops. 

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