"Benjamin." I replied in acknowledgement.

"Head towards Madre's house," I said, "drop by a supermarket before that and grab some flowers and a box of chocolates."

"Yes sir"

Not long after, the car stopped and Benjamin stepped out, purchasing the items I requested for.


Benjamin's POV:

Being Mr De Luca's personal chauffeur has changed my life. He is a man of little words and big actions. After 3 years of working for him, my wife found out she had breast cancer. This devastating news took a toll on my family, emotionally and financially. Mr De Luca came to know of my conundrum and provided assistance. He placed my wife's care under the De Luca wing in the Royal Hospital as well as covering all medical bills. I couldn't be more thankful for what this man has done for my family. In spite of all the harsh critiques of Mr De Luca, he is a respectable and honourable man. I am forever indebted to him.

Once I had reached the supermarket, I stepped out of the car to retrieve the flowers and chocolates requested by Mr De Luca.

Focusing on the tasks at hand, I headed straight towards the sweets and chocolates aisle.

"Ex..excuse me Sir, can you please help me get that?" A small little voice peeped out.

Slightly startled by her voice, I peered down and noticed a little girl facing me, with her clear mesmerising eyes staring right up at me. She was adorable. Fulfilling her request, I reached over the handed her the bag of chocolate chips she was staring so intently at.

"Thank you Sir" she said, stumbling over her words.

I almost chuckled at her but maintained my neutral expression and nodded. Where are her parents? I wondered. Concern brewing in my stomach, my eyes traced her movements as she ran back to a woman, dropping the bag in the basket, tugging the woman in the opposite direction.

Unknowingly, the corners of my mouth tugged in an upwards direction as I observed the mother and daughter. I knew the exact look the mother held in her eyes as she followed her child; pure love. The exact way I looked at my children the day they were born. I hope Mr De Luca is able to have a family like that in the future. He deserves it.

Snapping out of my daze I quickly bought the items and headed to the checkout.


Alessandro's POV:

What's taking him so long? I can't be late for dinner. Madre and zietta Florence would not be pleased at all.

Just as I looked up from my laptop Benjamin came out from the shops and headed towards the car. As he placed the flowers and chocolates in the car I heard a child screeching.

"M-mummy!" She wailed.

"Mum-my! Where are you?" She whimpered, looking around frantically, searching for her mother.

Seeing the tears streaming down her innocent face made something stir inside me. This has never happened before. I wasn't always a fan of children, especially crying ones. However, looking at this child made me want to destroy anyone that came close to hurting her.

I hurriedly stepped out of the car, bumping into Benjamin in the process.

"Sorry Sir," he said, "Before we leave, may I approach that little girl? I saw her in the supermarket with her mother. I assume she lost her way. It'll just take a minute."

Knowing his good intentions, I replied, "leave it to me. Get the car ready so we can leave as soon as possible."

Making my way to the little girl I crouched down, placing one knee on the ground, reaching her height.

"Piccolo, why are you crying?" I whispered. (Little one)

To my surprise the little one clang to my shirt, crying in my arms.

"Mum-mummy. I-I lost-t mm-my mumm-y," she said in my ear, barely able to get the words out.

I gently rubbed her back in a circular motion, soothing her cries. As she started to calm down, I sat her on my knee, wiping the remaining tears away with my finger.

"No need to cry piccolo, you stay right where you are. I'm sure your mummy is looking for you right now." I said, giving her a small smile.

She nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Mummy the best. I love her so so much." She said as a big smile graced her face.

"What's your name piccolo?"

"Brooklyn but aunt han han and mummy calls me Brooke. What's yours?"

"You can call me Alessandro"

Piccolo was telling me all about the cookies she was going to make with her mother until she heard a woman calling her from afar. She immediately jumped off my leg and ran towards the source. Being cautious, I kept a close eye on her until she reached the woman. As soon as I knew she was in safe hands, I headed back towards the car.

"Benjamin, let's go."

Throughout the car ride I couldn't stop thinking about my piccolo and her mother. Wait, mine? When did she become mine?

Who cares, she was absolutely breathtaking. She had a short stature, maybe 5'3, slight curves around her body and long dark brown hair cascading down her body. I couldn't get her out of my mind.


"Sir, we are here."

Finally gaining my attention, I stepped out of the car, taking the flowers and chocolates from Bejamin's hands, and made my way into the house. Right as entered the household I was tackled. Taken a back by the sudden force, I stumbled and pushed the person right off me.

"Merda," I cursed.

"Alessa..why'd you push me?! I just missed you so much." He whined, dusting his pants as he stood up.

"I just saw you this morning you big baby." I grumbled, clearly preferring my piccolo's hug rather than his. I met her once?! Why does my mind keep drifting to them?

"Alessandro, sei tu?" Madre's voice travelled from the kitchen. "Vieni qui ragazzo mio." (Is that you? Come here my boy.)

I went to the kitchen and approached the two woman sitting by the island. I kissed my mother on both cheeks, gave her a hug and did the same for my aunt. My mother moved all of us to the table as my father and uncle came down the stairs. I greeted both of them with hugs, getting a light pat on the cheek in return. Trust me, no one besides my family has ever seen me this way.

Dinner went on as per usual, mother asking how I've been and father asking how's business and work. Dante continuing with his annoying antiques causing me to kick him under the table resulting in him wincing every now and then.

"Figlio, quando hai intenzione di sistemarti?" I choked as I awkwardly coughed. (Son, when are you going to settle down?)

"Bella, basta con le domande. Troverà qualcuno al memento giusto." My father injected, giving me some relief. (Beautiful, stop questioning him. He will find someone when the time is right.)

Dante chuckled, enjoying my discomfort.

"Lo stesso vale per te figlio." Aunt Florence said causing Dante to start a coughing fit. (The same goes for you son)

As dinner went on, I was absolutely exhausted. I stood up and started saying my goodbyes to everyone.

"È meglio che vieni a trovarmi più spesso, figliolo." My mother said as she pinched my cheek, leading me out of the door. (You better come and see me more often son)

"E la prossima volta porti una bella ragazza carina con te." (and next time, bring a nice girl with you)

I pretended not to hear the last part as I fixed up my suit jacket and slid in the car.

I stepped into my penthouse, shrugging my suit jacket off my shoulders, draping them on the couch and headed straight into my room to clean up.

As I laid on my bed, I couldn't help but think of my piccolo and her mother. With that last thought on my mind, I drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Hope you liked this chapter!
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