Chapter 13

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Loreto trembled as the moist and freezing air from the meters underground crept into her bones. Her feet and hands were frozen. She woke up and immediately she was surprised at how soft the surface where she laid was. She rose enough to study her surroundings. This was not like the chamber of the Elven druids with the dense underground forest. She was on a bed of cloudy comforters and pillows. The halo of a fireplace at her right reached her with a soft breeze of the flames crackling. She attempted to move her left arm. She was wearing a shroud or light-colored chemise. She ventured to palpate the area where the bullet had impacted. She opened her eye sin disbelief and forced herself to sit at the border of the bed. By the firelight and the gas lamps arranged on the foundations walls and rocks, she carefully studied her left biceps. Where the bullet had entered her flesh, there was now a barely small scar like a dot. Like the mark of a vaccine. How was this even possible? She attempted to move her arm, slowly and carefully at first, then she shook it with all her strength. Nothing, the pain had disappeared completely. Elven magic? What had they done to her?!

She got up from bed and wrapped herself in the thick woolen blanket resting at its feet. She began walking without knowing well where she was heading to. Soon the smell of spices and grilled vegetables attracted her like a spell. She arrived at the area above where the metro train ran.

"The human will stay for a few days, you will take care of her and tend to her every need."

It was the strong and deep voice of Prince Nuada. She approached and from between the golden and black curtains, she spotted in the lower level her host speaking with an elf who in that moment was taking a dramatic bow before him. Next, the elf focused on the coal kitchen, opened the lid of a pan and stirred the content with a long metal spoon. Other two elves appeared from the darkness and joined the female elf in the preparation. Loreto scanned the surroundings. It seemed like a parlor to eat and sleep. A narrow bed of similar cushioned blankets like hers cornered against the curtains with the head pointing to the lower level. How much time had she been in this place and under the spell of the Elven druids? She neared the fireplace and took a deep breath. Whatever the elf was cooking smelled delicious.

"You woke up."

Loreto jumped. Turned around abruptly and found the Prince facing her at her back. He grinned at the corner of his black mouth.

"How do you feel?," he asked and approached her left arm.

Loreto took a step backwards. At such a scant distance and face to face, his presence exuded an authoritarianism and impetuosity impossible to ignore.

"I'm fine," she whispered and lowered her head, suddenly shy. She gathered courage to face him. She stretched her neck to the roof. "How long was I unconscious? What did they do to me?," she asked dazzled and uncovered her left arm. The coldness of the sewers quickly gave her goosebumps. "The bullet wound is not there anymore, how is this possible?"

The Prince smiled with empathy. He gestured towards the table. Dubious, Loreto followed him. He sat at the head of the table, and from the darkness emerged an elf and removed the chair at his right for her. Loreto thanked him in a whisper.

"Elven medicine is the power of nature. My druids dedicate their lives to the study and development of its healing properties."

His voice sounded calmed, as if he had awaited her questions.

"An entire day. Twenty-four hours. Yesterday we arrived close to midnight from the agency."

Loreto opened her eyes. After two weeks in a coma and now an entire day under the magical Elven spell, life was draining through her fingers in others' hands, playing with her consciousness like a lab rat. Nevertheless, both procedures had been for her own good. Two elves began laying dishes, tableware and glasses on the table. The elf with whom the Prince had spoken appeared carrying a pot with a golden finish and placed it in the center. The other elves carried a couple of bowls and serving dishes and left them on the table. The four servant elves took a bow and retired to the lower level. Loreto cleared her throat.

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