i. Galaxy & Rose

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Galaxy's P.O.V:

I wake up and get changed into a black skirt and blue and white striped off the shoulder top. I grab my bag and walk out into the living room. I give mum a quick hug and kiss her on the head. "See you after school, mum. Bye," I say. I walk out of the house and head out to the bus stop.


"Language. The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Now, I'm sure that you all have read the three books that I wanted you to read for this lesson. Does anyone want to share their thoughts on them?" asks Mrs Maddison, my A-level Language teacher. My hand flies up along with a few other people. "Miss Tyler?" she asks.

"Well, I think that Harry is just a boy who had trouble fitting in and then when he got to Hogwarts, he had better luck fitting in and gained some friends and enemies. But I think that Hermione is the true hero of it because if she wasn't there and didn't know everything she knew, then the three of them would be dead by the end of the first book," I say. "Yes, but Harry's the one who is daring to do all of the dangerous things in the first place and Hermione shouldn't even be there because being in dangerous situations isn't a place for girls so-" I cut James off by turning around to look at him.

"So you that just because she's a girl that she can't risk her life?" I ask him.

"No, but I'm just saying that she shouldn't risk her life for her friends-"

"So you just expect Harry and Ron to die?" I ask.

"Alright. That's enough. I want a report on what you thought of it on my desk by Monday morning. Class dismissed," says Mrs Maddison. I sigh and pack away my things. I leave my blue book out and hold it in my hand as I start to walk out of class. "Miss Tyler, can I talk to you for a minute?" asks Mrs Maddison. I stop, turn around and head down to Mrs Maddison. "Yes?" I ask. "How are you today?" she asks.

"Spectacular?" I question confusedly.

"I can't help but notice that strange locket you keep playing within my lessons," she says and it makes my hand fly up to it. "Is it distracting because if so, I can take it off for the lesson," I quickly say. "No. But know this, Galaxy. There will come a time when you need to open that locket and your life will change forever," says Mrs Maddison. I start to get scared so I immediately run out of the classroom with my book in my hand.


That night, I sit opposite Rose in our room. "That's what she said to you?" asks Rose.

"Yes but the weirdest thing is that it's not the first time it's been said to me. I mean, first, it was a stranger in the street on the way to school when I was nine then it was my year six teacher at the end of the year, then when I got to high school, at first it was only the lunch staff but then the teacher's assistants started and then in year 11 it was all of the staff," I tell Rose.

"It could be someone just messing with you," says Rose.

"But it wasn't. I mean, I can't remember anything before I was nine and when that woman said it, something inside of me must have clicked because the blue journals turned up and I started having strange dreams," I say whilst grabbing the blue journals from down the side of my bed and start to flick through each of them until I find what I'm looking for and when I do, I turn the journal around and show it to Rose. "about a man. This man called The Doctor doing dangerous things with people. Like companions and they travel through space and time in this blue box, the same colour blue as my journals, called a TARDIS. One of the people that he travelled with, Sarah Jane Smith, in the '70s is on Earth," I say.

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