"Okay honey... Get comfortable now, try to take deep breaths... You know it could be a false alarm! Maybe you just have to start over with the medication..."

Y/N shook her head decisively and almost started to cry, letting the driver answer once more.
"No Norman, that's no false alarm..."

Norman followed the man's gaze and noticed the car's interiors. There was no doubt, the waters had already broken and this could only mean one thing: It was definitely too early.

"Oh shit!"
The bodyguard let out that exclamation, bringing a hand to his face. He was easily impressed by that sort of thing and felt like he was about to faint at the thought.

"I ruined your evening... And the car...", Y/N complained, looking for her husband's eyes.

"But who cares about the evening? We have to go to the hospital right away!"

Norman turned directly to the driver, gesturing for him to go and concentrating on his wife, who was now sitting up, clinging to the seat in front of her.
The pain did not leave her a moment of respite, there were no relevant intervals between one contraction and another, and she felt that she would not last any longer.

"Come on... Drive!"

They were only a few yards away from the spot where they parked, when the driver slammed his hand violently on the wheel, cursing the endless line of cars and all those fans, who were blocking the passage to see their idols.
Y/N and Norman realized that it was not over, the flashes of the cameras tried to penetrate the privacy of the black glasses to steal more images, not even imagining what was happening.
The woman hid her head against the seat in front of her, trying to manage the pain and Norman was forced to look down, hiding in turn under the brim of the hat offered by the bodyguard.

"Shit! We can't get stuck here in the middle of all these people!"

The man was losing his patience and was watching the camera flashes, which blinded him, with increasing anger.
Y/N's eyes met her husband's for a moment, begging him to do something as she dug her nails into the seat.

"Give me that jacket!"

The bodyguard turned in their direction, thinking he hadn't heard right.

"Take off that fucking jacket!"

Of course. If the side windows were black and you could only guess who was inside the car, the space between the driver and the passenger allowed you to spy on the seats through the windshield.
The man's huge jacket obscured the crack a little and Y/N could finally stop hiding.

"Tey to get comfortable... Soon we'll be there!"

Yet he knew that as they proceeded, they would not get anywhere.
He helped her stretch out on the seat, holding her in his arms just as he did every night, and Y/N clung to his neck, hiding her face in it with every wave of pain.

"Breathe...", he encouraged her once more, casting a worried look in front of him.

"Norman!", Y/N's moans increased, as did the strength of her grip. "I can't..."

"Of course you can! You can, darling..."

He pushed her hair back from her sweaty forehead, trying to breathe with her. He didn't even know how to help her now, it was all so different from the other time and he was stuck inside a fucking car, with a prize, which he didn't give a damn about any more and that probably had already rolled between the bodyguard's feet.

"Enough... Call the fucking police!"
The bodyguard's eyes stared at him in disbelief.

"The police, Norman?"

"Yes, go and call the officer of the agents who are in front of the theater. They will clear the way for us. They are forced to do so!"

"They will probably only call an ambulance..."

"No, there are too many people for such a thing. Tell them we need them to escort us to the emergency room immediately!"

So the bodyguard decided to get out of the car and retrace the few meters that separated him from the entrance.
He could not believe that Norman's fans went crazy even as he passed by, asking him to bring gifts to the actor.
He wandered with his eyes along the barriers, looking for a uniform and finally he spotted a bold-looking young policeman.

"Hey you! I need to know where your boss is... Its urgent!"

"Hey you, what? Who are you to stay here inside the security perimeter?"

"The head of security of Norman Reedus and Y/N Y/L/N! We have an emergency on board!"

The cop looked down, showing a wry smile on his face.

"Of course... Norman Reedus wants to pass in front of the line and we have to flatten the red carpet! And then, who tells me that you really are their bodyguard?"

Than noticed that the young man's hands were caressing the orderly weapon, as if to threaten him.

"Listen, I don't have to discuss it with you. You'll take me to your boss and we'll handle it!"
He was trying hard not to lose his temper in front of so much arrogance.

"What if I don't? I've always hated guys like you... You think you can afford anything, just because you lick the ass of people with a lot of money!"

That was too much. The bodyguard took him by the collar of his blue shirt, drawing him to himself.

"Listen to me, kid... This uniform does not make you immortal. When you have chosen to wear it, you have put yourself at the service of the community, not above it and believe me... You will go too far with this attitude. Now... I'm their bodyguard, and believe it or not, I have a gun bigger than yours and I also know how to use it much better than you. I need to talk to your boss. Immediately. Over there is the wife of Norman Reedus who is about to give birth to twins almost two months in advance. Now, do you think you can get me to talk to someone to escort us to the nearest hospital?"

The boy was speechless, as if hypnotized by the two cold eyes.

"Sure... Of course... Follow me!"

To Die For (Norman Reedus x Y/N)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα