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As Bucky held Aj in his arms rocking back and forth he hummed a lullaby their mother had sung to them when they were sick. Her breathing evened out and she soon fell asleep. Her being calm caused the ice and snow to disappear. Bucky picked her slowly not wanting to wake her and laid her down on her bed. He left her room shutting the door. He walked downstairs to find the team, He quickly found them because they are a very loud group of people. 

"Hey guys," Bucky said as the team hadn't noticed he was back.

"Hey Buck, is she okay?" Steve asked worriedly.

"She's asleep right now. Steve, why did you ignore her? She said that all week you seemed to be ignoring her." Bucky asked not wanting his best friend to be part of the problem. Steve looked down and was about to say something but Sam spoke up.

"Steve has a crush on Aj, so he hated seeing her with Loki." Sam laughed as Steve turned as red as a tomato.

"Duh," Bucky said making Steve shoot his head up and looked at Bucky. "Steve, it's obvious. It has been for years. I always knew you liked her. I bet everyone here knew you liked her." Bucky smirked as Steve turned to the team who all nodded their heads. "That really doesn't answer my question though, why would you ignore her? She's one of your best friends."

"I-I don't know," Steve admitted ashamed.

"Bucky, can we talk about Steve's love life later, we have an idea to cheer Aj up," Nat said taking out a notepad.

"It better work, I hate seeing her like this." Bucky sighed and walked towards Nat.

"We've decided to make a list on everyone's hand to hand combat skills. So right now while Aj's sleeping, we're all going to the gym and we're gonna make the list." Nat explained. "Then when she wakes up we'll get her to fight everyone and put her somewhere on the list."

"Okay, that's actually not a bad idea," Bucky admitted. 

They all headed down to the gym to start figuring out the list.


"Ahhhhh, no let me go, please!" Aj screamed. She continued screaming until a loud bang was heard. She jolted up and looked around not seeing anyone. 

"I'm so sorry to wake you, but you were having nightmares. Mr.Strak had installed this system when Mr.Barnes first moved in here and he thought it would be a good idea to have it in your room as well." Friday explained.

"Okay, thank you, Friday." Aj thanked the AI trying to catch her breath.

"You have the option for me to notify someone," Friday said. 

"No, I think I'm alright." 

Aj fell back onto her pillow and stared at the ceiling. She thought back to the dream feeling sick at the memory. She got up and decided a shower is what she needed. She stripped off her sweaty clothes and hummed a lullaby while the hot water ran over her. She had lots of thoughts going through her head at once. She couldn't handle her mind racing so she got out and decided going to see the team was the best option to occupy her mind. 

She got dressed in some clean clothes and went to the lounge but no one was there. She then headed to the kitchen, again no one was there. She hadn't really been anywhere else in the tower other than the medical rooms, so she headed down there to maybe find Bruce.

"Dr.Banner?" Aj poked her head through the door and smiled when she saw Bruce typing on his computer.

"Oh, hi Aj. What can I do for you?" 

"Do you know where everyone is?" She asked.

"In the gym."

"Where is that exactly?" She gave a half-smile.

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