Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

He hugged you. Beside him was a cup of Juice and grapes. You wanted some but you didn't want to interrupt Khun who was talking to Shibisu. You grabbed the grapes, not realizing Khun was looking at you wide eyed.

"What?" You asked him.

"You can move your arms." Khun replied pointing at the arm that was holding the grapes.

"Huh?" You looked at your bandaged arms and saw the grapes. "Oh my god! My arms are healed!"

"Have you been lying to me just so I could feed you?" Khun asked.

"What?! No! I'm surprised my hands aren't useless anymore!" I exlaimed.

"What's happening over there?!" Shibisu asked through Khun's pocket.

You slowly took off the bandage to see no wounds or bruises. Your eyes widened and you ran towards Hwaryun, leaving Khun and the grapes on the rooftop.

"Hwaryun! Why am I healed?!" You asked her.

"Aren't you happy? You're a healer. Healers are rare in your family." She replied.

"But why?!" You asked again.

"I'm just helping a friend out. We are friends, right?" She replied.

"Aw.. Hwaryun.." You said as you walked towards her with your arms wide.

"Don't hug me!" She said, her arms defending herself from your hug.

You stop and frowned at her.

"I'll hug you next time." You said before you left the door and Rak ran into you making you stumble and fall.

"Rak! What happened?! Why are you running?!" You asked worriedly.

"Dinosaur! Let's play!" You see Quaetro running after him.

"No time to talk, Come to the conference room in 3 minutes!" He exclaimed as he ran away.


Y'all were inside the conference room. Hwaryun was talking about what will happen.

"That's why I'm suggesting you separate from Viole and (Y/n) until you reach the 35th floor." Hwaryun said.

"What do you mean separate?!" You asked before clinging onto Khun's arm. "I was separated from this guy for years and now you're gonna separate us again?!"

"You and Viole need to separate from the group, (y/n). They won't get any stronger relying on the both of you."

"I'm not even that powerful!" You replied, tightening your grip on Khun.
"Your power is almost similar to Bam, you are powerful. The problem is that you aren't giving it your all during battles."

"T-that's not.. True.." You replied knowing that you were lying.

She sighed then continued. "I will take Viole, (Y/n) and that crocodile up the tower. So you guys team up and go together."

You frowned thinking you were gonna be separated from Khun again.

The meeting ended and y'all left the room. You sluggishly walked through the halls. Sad that you won't be with Khun for a year just because a stupid guide told you.

A hand touched your shoulder. You flinched and it snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked around to see Bam smiling at you.

"Don't worry, Ms. (y/n). You'll only be separated for a year. Plus, you'll have me with you." He said, trying to comfort you.

"Thank you, Bam.." You replied as you gave him a big hug.

A chapter done! I hope you liked it! This chapter was brought to you by my dog!

Hope you enjoyed reading! Lots of love ♥

-Akumu~chan <3

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