ChAptEr oNe

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It was dark, and cold. Its a perfect night for a freash kill. Draden walked down the street with his knif in his hand, looking for a unfortunate victim. He looked up, and spotted an open windew. He devishly smiled, knowing that he this was an easy target. He put his hand on the brick walks, and followed it until he found a staircase. He quietly laughed to himself, "Oh this'll be good." He chuckled. He proceeded to quietly walk up the staircase. He griped the doorknob, not expecting it to be unlocked. But when he turned the doorknob, it opened with ease. Draden scratched his head with confused look on his face. He shrugged it off and looked for a victim that could possibly slay. He tip-toed through the room, and looked around. He heard water running, and figured that the person who owned the house was in the shower. He smirked, "Perfect..." Draden whispered. He quickly kicked down the bathroom and held up his knife, expecting to strike his victim. Instead he stopped himself. There in front of him was a guy with a flowery apron washing the dishes. Draden stepped forward, but slipped on some soap that was on the ground. This caused him to fall into a tub filled with water. "Hey!" Draden whined, his sweatshirt now soked. The guy chuckled and shook his head,

"Well, you could've knocked." He teased.

Draden raised his knife, trying to stay intimidateng, but the guy was fast. He grabbed Draden's arm and pulled himself closer to him. Darden blushed, "W-What are you-"

"Self defence, duh."

"W-who are you?!"

"Good question, who are you?"

"Im, uhm, Darden."

"Cool, the name is Crow." He seductively flipped his hair just a little bit. Draden blushed harder, Oh my gosh, what do I do? Draden asked himself. Crow pulled him up and patted him on the back, "Need me to grab a towel for you?" He asked softly,

"Uh sure," Darden replied. He looked at his clothes as he watched Crow grab a towel from a closet outside the bathroom. Crow came back with a dry towel, he wrapped it around Draden's shoulders. Darden pulled the towel over his henad and curled up into the towel. It was warm, and made him feel comftorble. He looked up at Crow with a soft smile, "Thank you..." Draden said in a slightly softar voice. Crow smirkd,
"No pronlem." Draden was flusters at the tall blackhaired boi. "So got any tomato soup?" He said with a atempt at a smle.
"Uh- I can check." Crow replied as he scratchead his head. Crow turned the door and lef to find some tomatoe soup for Draden. Draden pullled the towle closer around him, he couldn't be leave he missed a kill. draden couldint beleave that Crow had overpowerd him that fast. Corw walked back in to the bathroom with a bowl of tonat soup, "There was only one cas left, so here." Cow reached his arm out to hand the bowl overnight to draden. "T-thanks... I guesss" Dradan tooks the can but pulls it hard so Corw is closer. "How did You ober power me that quak!?!?" Draden exclamed.
"Welle you see," crow snuckkered, "You fell on the soap..."
Draden looked passed off at that anser and grabbed his nife. "Ill kll you yaknow!"
"Oh, will you?" Crop taunted. DRADEN attempted to get out the tub but fell over and passidd out. Crow stard at the unconciousned boiy and shruged. He carried the boy and put him in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Draden was waked up by son on his ilids. "Where am I" he Crpw walked int the room and smied, "Oh good your awake.' Dradins face was confused more than usule.
"Where is my knfe?'' He looked around room for knife. Crow raises his ibrow, "Are U going to still planing to kill me with that?" He askd
"Well duh my fine friends" dAren sad as he slits up. "What would be the pont of kep you live?"
"Have you killed anyoneP?" CRoW asked, changing the subjeect.
Draden look at cro with Descusted face and says "what do you thonk I cant kill somone?!?'
"No I-« cow said taking a step back for Draden had gon to end of the bed and leans close to Crow.
He sounds stressssiad.
Crew gave Draden a bank look and frwned.
Draden tried not to pannik' with out his nife he fealt verry vaunrable. Draden backs up to the wall. Crow sghed and suled his shoulders
"Sorry for misssplasing your knif." He sed
"You dod WAT NOW?" Draden sais as he looks dowm. "Ima kill you" he looks sad
Crew stroced his chin and snaped his fingers "i got it! Weit here, ok?" He skipped out of the bedrom"Wha- H-Hey get bac here!" Drasen looks confused "where my soop at." He looks under da bed.
Crow cam back to the rom with sometinb behind his back, "So, you where's looking for your knife? Well, I found it! You must hav deopped it when yu passd out."
Draden hits hs head on the bottom of the bed he was under. "Ouh" he sits on tha grond and looks up at corw."give it" he holds his hends out for the nife.
Corw haplily handes over the knife to dRaded with a similie. Draden grabs it and incantlay pointes it at corw. "And noe you dye!" Hr touches crow witn the nife,
Crow keept smiling as he sid, "Do it, cmon.'
"Ha" Dresden chuckels like a chld as he slowly holds the knife to Croes throat.
"How buot I shut you up? Or" he puts the nif to Ceros moth. "I'll cut out you're tonge!!" He smiles like crazy person.
Cros looked down at drasen, still smoling. He looked at if he wanted it, like he eanted to get coot by the knif.
"Now say ahhh~" Draden stands on his teppy tos to be able to lok crwo in the ey.
Crew pushed Draden of of him, "Chill, chill. lok, I dont wan't to die. So, uhm why don't I-"draden look sad and sight
"Fin fine I wolnt kill you... yet-" he pouts and cros his arms.
"Good," Crow pasuded, and looked around, "in the mentime, what do you wnt t,o do? Beides kill meh." Draden looks confued
"Huh?" He looks cumfused amd reddy to kill somethng." What do u meen ?'
"I men, like, you want to do som activitee or som'ting."Dadn crawl back on the bed and sit ther.
"Why? I'm tryna kill you you know"
"Yeh, yeah, I kno, but before you do, lets uust have some funn." Corw smiled agaen.
"What are you? Why? I want to kill you! Don't be nice to me—'' he loks confusd and pointsh his knif at Crow again froma distande.
"Wel, if Im acteng like an asshole to you, u'll kil me faster." Crow put his hends in his poccets and leened up agaenst the wall. Dradn grins
"I want to kill you anyway sooooo" he spins his nife
Crow soghed and lookdd down, "Fene. Do what you want, Ive giveeen up on triyieng to reson with you." Draden sihs and pouts.
"Why try to rason with me?!" He looks away
"I dont know you just- I- I thought maibee we could be frends insted of you kno- enimeys..." he looks at him and sihs
"Fine-..... w-wgat do you tant to do?" He blushes slightly.
Crow noticeded Draden blooshing but didnt say anything about it, "Meh I dont relly care what we do, as long as its ineteresinb."
Draden stands up and loks at craw "s-s-sooo... I don't know-" he looks away
"Hm?" Cow was now curieos, he leened fourward to listen better,
"H-hey... personle spass" he leans back slightly and almost looses blance.
Crow caught Draden befOre He could actully fall, an d stareed into his eyes befOre shakking his hed, "Oh- yea, sorey." Draden blushes and looks to the side
"D-doNt-" he had put his ams aroun cro befor he relized. 𝕆𝕠𝕙𝓪𝓱𝓱𝓱
Cro started blushing too, but covred it up by chucklening and steppping back. Draden stepd bak two and pout"I'm hungry "
"Alrite, how about we go for some ice cearm? Or do you still want tomate sooup?" Draden loekes super exides when craw said tomto suop
Crow cuckled, *tehe* "Alrighy, Ill make tometo souo for the both of us."
He lehft to to go to the kichen, and got too cans of microwaveable soop.
"Yaaaaay!!!" Draden exclamed as he folos crow to the kicten. Crow was in tae kicten sturing a pot of tomato soup. He had put his aprn back on. Draden lookied around and obeerved the flooral decroration of da apren. Menwhitle crow poored the cans of soop in two spereate bowls and put it in the mickrowave. Crow then took the bols out of the my crow wave and put them on the table.
"Here you go" cro sid as he pulled out a chair for Draden.
"T-thank you Crow." draden began to drink the supe "its so good!!" dradn smiled art Crow;
"Glady you like it,"' cro smiles looks at his own suop and sps some of it. There was a awkwerd soilennce that fulled the room as they aete. Draken loookeded up at Cro who only ete a smol amount of his soup, 'why Arent you eateng?" DraDen askd,
"O- noting, just not thet hungri,' Croew sed as he lloked at his bol. He pushhed his owl to Darden, "you can have the resst."
Draden happlely poshed te bowl close to him, "Tanks!"dradEn Chered. He drunk the sou from the bowl and whiped the extra soop frm his moth, "your reelly missing out."
Crowe smile at the statment, "I kno I am." He gigelded.
"You shore you dont want any?" Draaden holds out a spoom to Cro with supin it . crow sied and tookk the spon. "Im not hu-"
"Eat it" draden said in a slightly louder voic. Crow drank the soup and draden instantly becam happyr. "Se its good!"
"I no i made it." cro replid with a chukle.
Darren chuckklled along with Creow.
After draden finished his soup he handad it to Cro to wesh it. Cror was allready washeng his own desh but still washded dradens to be nece. "So do you jst liek washing dishses or do you just do it out of habbit?" Dreden blorted out,
"Oh- no. I just do it becase I want to be repectfull." Crow relplied,
"Respectfil to who?" 𝔻𝕖𝕣𝕓 asked,
"Anyine, and every one." Criw sihded.
"Beacuse why not."
"Its dum and anoing, why be nic when you dont hav to?" draden sise and looks at the celing. "Im sooooo bord!!" he yells
'Same her." Craw respoonded as he lwwerd his freeshly clened bol.
"Can i kill you now?:> Daden asked with a inocnt look on his fac.
"Wat," Krow turneded to him, "but theres still soo muchh I want to doe with you." dradn loos at him and blushes slitley
"T-thats g-gay... AND I DONT C-C-CaRE!' he said as he loked away
Criw chucklled, "it seems lik you do tough."
"W-well i donte so.." he croses his arms
"Wahtever you say." Chrow shregged. Drad walked to CRo and looked at him.
"Whats that on youre face," he points to the black marcings on cro"s face.
"Oh thise, thise or just corrption." Crew put a hnad on his fac and touched the marks.
"Do they hurte?" draden sade
"No but their sting when i get hurt." Crod sed as he poot hise hend duwn,
"Wat do yu meen?" Daedren asked,
"I men if I git hort in one ara of my bidy, then my morks will stting my fack."
"So like," Dresden punched Cropws goot, "that?"
"Yeah! Exactly like that." Crow groaned,
"Dat was fun" Draden said, he smiled menosingly.
"You find me getting hert amusingg?" Crow askded with pire curiosity,
"Yeah! Itts fun to see you hort and hering you make dat werd noice!" Draden laghed
"Well, that's werd, just dont have to much fun with that."
Dredead liftid his eyebrows and poonched Crodw agen
"Hey! I said dont-" CrEw stopped midsentence befor he started to loagh.
"Wats so funny?" Darden askded
"cealing you lagh ,ade me laug too." Cro chuccckeld
"Wh-... why.....-" Draden looked comfooseed.
"Idun'no, I geese it was just kinda- cute...?" Craw sdaid awlwardily draden blused like the suup he love so mutch.
"H-h-h-h-h-h-how am i c-c-u-cut-cu-cute????" he didnt knew he was studdering or blurshing.
"Weel, lets see-" Crow started,
"NONONO DONT" dradn exlamd
'Your tiny."
"Your hav a super unque personanity, and the fact that you deni all of my complimants is truely aborable." Is Draden blushe, lokd away, lookd bac at crow, looked away, looked back and seed,
"S-so.. then.. KISS ME ..... I-i-i-i- i mean...." he bluurshas.
"Woah, woh, lets not get too cocky now," Crow bushed which was then haadded by a chuckkle. He looked away from. Darden befor e quickly kissing hi on the cheek. Draden tuern away frum Crow asd made a small noize like a tea kettle. He was blurshing like crady. "I-i-i didnt think you were go-g-going to do it... dumbass"
Crpw imideatley huged him, "hush hush." Crow whiosaerd
"S-s-st-stop let go... " he disnt strugle at alkk tho, he srood still and let ti happn.
Crro0w eventully let go of hi9m and crow co0ntinued on. Wityh his day with Drafed
Dradn was hold o to him but he lt him gert away, he dtood there not knowig what toi go... he missed the waem hug of crow.

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