The Alleyway & The Realization

Start from the beginning

Holy shit! I had been so absorbed in my thoughts that I had forgotten why I was here in the first place and whoever had throw what I think is a person at the dumpster was inhumanely strong.

I held my breath. "Don't think for a second you can back out now! You think that you're still a good boy? That Mommy will still love you? If they knew for a second what you do and that you're betraying them every single day they would hate you and kill you without hesitating. You finish the job! You are the only one that can gain the trust that we so desperately need. The boss wants it done so it'll happen. Everything has to work perfectly."

That voice. I knew that voice! Where had I heard it before? It was like when you wake up after having a dream and knowing that you in your mind know the dream but when someone asks you what it was about you can't seem to get it off the tip of your tongue.

That's what I felt with this guy’s name. The words in themselves were said with so much hate and venom that I'm surprised the other guy wasn't begging for mercy.

I wasn't in a good position and I kept thinking that any moment they were going to discover me.

"Don't tell me what I already know! I've been told by you condescending bastards for years! So back off and I'll get it done." This was getting ridiculous now. I knew that voice and it wasn't hard to identify, the husky smooth voice that reduced girls to their knees.

There was an animalistic growl and then nothing. I waited for a sign that anyone was still out there and when I was comfortable enough I hauled myself out.

I quickly hurried to the street looking left and right. Looking for him. There he was confirming my suspicions, walking away with an arrogant swagger that in the short time I knew him I didn't know he possessed.



I think that I was in shock. I was almost catatonic. It wasn't the fact that I had a mental breakdown and thought that THEY were after me, but I had fallen for that innocent boy act.

I thought that Cade was one of those high school sweet hearts. You know the ones a little rough around the edges but at the end of the day would always be there for you.

I hadn't seen his face during their mouth off but I sure as hell heard his tone. It wasn't laced with kindness and that sense of safeness that he had, it was cold and malicious.

If I had been any one else I would have flinched but I had grown accustomed to those tones. I had only known Cade for a few days and even then we hadn't gotten that close.

 I had thought that he was genuine, someone that I could relax around, someone that one day I would have a good type of relationship with.

Hearing what I heard today I could never be me around him, I would be guarded and these suspicions would always be present.

Cade was in a bad part of town, at a bad time of night and he sounded that he was in pretty deep into something. Was he part of a gang?

I had been sucked into a gang about 2 years ago. It was a short time but I learnt the ways in which a gang worked. Eventually I left- they were asking too much of me and I didn’t want Maxxie finding out some of the things that happened there.

He thought it was just a bunch of teens drinking and causing problems. But violence and drugs were heavily laced within the gang and I wanted out.

They were destroying people’s lives so I took justice into my own hands and burned down their warehouse where all the drugs were kept.

The stupid idiots had been high at the time and had blamed it on the pipes having a gas leak and the smoke setting it off.

 It didn't even make sense. I never heard from any of them again and Maxxie was grateful for that. He didn't agree with it and he had this insane thought that I would be sucked into that way of life and stay there forever.

Like street fighting was any better.

Had Cade been made to make a hit on someone? I hadn't heard the conversation they had started before but it sounded like from freaky guys response that the wanted out. That he has wanted out a few times before.

For a few seconds I just wanted to be naive enough to believe that it wasn't Cade that had been in the alleyway that it wasn't Cade that had walked the way he did that reminded me of all the guys I had been in relationships with.

The assholes, the ones that your families hated and wanted to take to church to get blessed for forgiveness. But I hadn't been naive for years now.

I knew it was true and it happened. That Cade was having a conversation with a guy that was familiar but not familiar at the same time and that he was in deep trouble.

He was a delinquent. He went to my school for that reason but I never thought that he would be in there for that. It seemed to dark for him.

Everyone had secrets it seemed. I knew it was unfair of me to judge him and maybe I was overreacting which I have been doing over the last few days.

I decided that I wouldn’t forget what happened but I wouldn’t change the way I was around Cade. Maybe a bit more cautious but that was all.

Cade and I weren't involved and Cade lived his life and I lived mine.

I groaned and the beginnings of a migraine throbbed through my head. I was beginning to think that the term the truth hurts was literal.

 I wasn't home. I had just been leaning against my car for a long, long time. I regretted my decision now. I should have done my thinking at home.

The key was in the lock before a cough behind me froze my movements. God must hate me.

"Oh, hey Cade? What are you doing here?"

He didn't buy my innocent act for a second. His emerald eyes were hard and his mouth was set in a firm straight line.

I was covered in blood and garbage, not even 3 yards from the alleyway.

So much for acting normal.


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