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"Wait thats actually really cute thats illegal-" -said Midnight smiling and cupping her cheeks with her hands (as most girls were doing so, Uraraka was just blushing for being the 'victim')

Uraraka sighs in relief... she though he was going to start like, making deals? robbing something for him? Gosh- seeling her sou- "Hey! Dont stop!" Said the cat, interrupting the girl's thoughts, "o-okay! So, what about t-the bunny? Y-you said something.."

"Are we ignoring the fact that cat-zuko is laying on Urarakas lap? I get it hes a little small but- HE IS SO LUCKY—" -said Mineta, getting interrupted by Asui's  tongue smacking him on the back of his head

"Shut up kero" - Asu- i mean Tsu said.. hEheheE (good...-Tsu)

The cat-boy looked again disappointed, he sighed and muttered 'oh..That' while purring. "Huh. That bunny is only going to lead you to trouble.. its expected from a time maniac filthy rabbit..~pppprrr~ anyways, what's your name traveler?" He shoved his head into the hoodies fur as he talked,  man belly rubbs must be like candy for humans "O-Oh! My name is Ochako Uraraka! A-and yours?" The girl replied, "i go by 'Deku' , but imma call you Alice.." the cat said, as he stoop up from the girl's lap, dusting his hoodie off,  "Anyways! Here's some advice, go through north, that way you won't have to pass the mad hatter guy, i got to go, pleasured to meet ya Alice" he giggled, then from what it seemed like for other's eyes, his body was turning into green sparks, only leaving back a floating smile.
'Huh...maybe he's not so bad..! But omg was that purrs just the cutest's! Heheh-he..he..e' though the girl as she drifted to sleep.

"Wow this was pretty good!" - Ms.Joke said giggling

"I agree!~ Dekuk-kun was all creppy 'n' stuff~ kinda hot tho~~ hehheeheheh~" -Toga said, gaining looks from the league like 'r u ok?-'

"HAH? Is it FINALLY over yet?"- Baku-bruh scoffed

"I think s-" Iida started, being interrupted by a light coming from the screen

(The image showed  Deku jumping from brench to brench, and rock to rock, only to apear in front of the famous 'Queen of hearts' caslte, he smirked, and disappeared on mid air, appearing inside, the castle was dark, red and black and were it was black had blood stains. The cat started to walk on fours, letting his tail swing by its own will, he got to the main room, to see

"oh no.... not them..." - Said  Tokoyami

"I cant belive he would-" - Agreed Ochako

"THAT DAMN BASTARD-" -screamed Bakukou

Toga, as the All Mighty, feared for all , Queen of Hearts... and the rest of the league as main guards, standing by her trone as she played with a knife on her hand looking bored, Izuko ran to her lap, it was comfy beause of the poofy dress she wore, and sitted sideways on it, as Toga started giggling and dropped the knife to start petting him on the head and on the ears) "Awwwwie~ Dekuk-kun! Did you get anything todayy~?" She said, blushing (not like that, how she normaly blushes) and smiling crazy "~purrrr~ Actually yes! There's... a new girl, she called herself 'Uraraka' i call her 'Alice'.. she told me a few things...she was following that filthy rabbit and if it weren't for me, she would've head up to 'kacchan' and probably belive his tells about 'that cat is a liar' or 'that filthy feline has more tricks under his sleeve than you can imagine..' blah blah blah... Jesus over and over spreading his tails over ONE prank i did and he is called over the forest the 'Mad Hatter' HAH hilarious.. not like he dint deserve that..oh well! ~purrrrrrr~ she had the clock...that rabbit is going to keep going to her... hes so booringg-" exclaimed the little cat, rolling his eyes various times and revealing the dense, colour of crimson red that was on the left one, but he never stopped smiling, he would smirk,frown, but his smile never was off of his face . The guards laughed, as the Queen did so too "awww~ you deserve a little treat for being the best kittie a Queen could have~~ As for the girl, ill invite her to a little game of cards...~ i want to personaly slice her throat" she laughed, then paused for a second "did she touch you kittie?~" (stop thinking pervertly- if you are he is just her cat, not bf) "nah she gave me a few belly rubbs-" he said "mhm! Ill slice her throat" she giggled more " i don't contradict if you do so, but what can i say? A belly rubb is like a little drug to cats, I've seen every single person..every single place! So in trade of something i need to recive something aswell! But i never say that all i tell them its true~" the cat joined the giggling  and both of them continued until the screen went black.

-The dekuverse-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt