
Începe de la început

" No problem , It's getting dark soon."

" See you !" She ran away.

I got inside my car and put Lucky in the passenger seat strapping him in.

" Where you at ?" I asked Kay through the phone.

" Saint house , they was doing something since it's Nine birthday."

" Oh okay , I'll stop by to say hi to him."

" Fasho." She nodded. " You okay ?"

" Im fine." I smiled.

" Okay." I drove over to his house and I heard music playing from inside.

" LOOK AT MY SHLAT !" Tone yelled walking over to me.

" Hey." I smiled hugging him back.

" You brought that ugly ass dog ?" Niko mugged me.

" Gotta take him back to daycare." I shrugged putting him in the cage. " Skyla was looking for you."

" I know , Ima go over there later." He said taking a pill from his blunt.

" You look happy." Kay eyed me.

" I am." I smiled. " That whole situation was a wake up call for me , I started school and Im back doing hair again. Everything is falling in place."

" Im proud of you." She hugged me.

" Thank you , where Nine ?"

" Somewhere with Talaya." She shrugged pointing.

" Oh , okay." I walked over to them. " Hey friend !"

" Aye." He smiled. " You straight ?"

" Yeah , Im fine." I smiled. " Hey Talaya."

" Hi." She said dryly putting her attention back on Nine.

" Well okay then." I made a yikes face and walked away as Nine started blacking on her.

" Nadia." I heard from behind me already knowing who it was.

" Not today." I shook my head.

" Im trying to talk to you." Saint saint grabbing my arm and I flinched. " You scared of me ?"

" No." I said pulling away from him. " I gotta go."

" Can you talk to me for a second bro ?" He made a face. " You been ignoring me for months."

" What Saint ?" I turned around looking at him.

" I just wanted to apologize-"

" I heard your apologies for 6 weeks already." I crossed my arms. " Is that all ?"

" You okay ?"

" Im doing fine." I huffed. " Im just trying to get my shit together."

" I miss you."

" I know." I said looking up at the clouds to stop tears from falling down. " I can't do this."

" What ?" He scrunched his face up.

" Ever since I met you everything has been bittersweet. You make me so happy but even worst things happen to me or us." I wiped my face. " I don't want love if it's gone feel like this."

" I asked you to leave me alone if you didn't want what came with me." He sighed. " We ain't gone be perfect or relationship goals but as long as Im riding for you and you riding for me none of that shit matter."

" We can't come back from that shit." I rolled my eyes.

" If you ain't got no hope then it's no point in me trying."

" It's only so much hope I can have." I shrugged. " I died on that operation table twice cause of you and you telling me some shit about hope."

" And I apologized every day for that shit !"

" I don't know , Saint." I sighed. " I don't know if I can do this anymore."

" Man you can't give up." He smacked his teeth. " We know that's not the way shit supposed to go."

" A relationship never gone work if I love you more than you love me." I shook my head.

" Nadia." He sighed. " You gotta believe it man."

" Believing is what got me to where I was." I shrugged. " I stopped believing a long time ago."

" I don't know about you but I'm not gone give up."

" Have a good one." I said walking away.


" WE BELONG TOGETHERRRRR." I sung while cleaning my room. " WHEN YOU LEFT I LOST A PART OF ME !"

" Shut the hell up." Tink said opening the door.

" Leave me alone." I turned around and grabbed the picture of Saint and I. " I used to be so in love."

I kept cleaning until I was tired and then laid down for a couple minutes.

" NADIA !" Tink yelled from the other room making me jump up and go in there.

" Help her !" She said crying.

I looked over into Asreal's crib seeing her blue and looking lifeless.

I started doing CPR on her and she wasn't improving.

" Call 911 !" I looked at Tink while pumping her chest.

After the paramedics came and performed CPR on her they took her to the hospital.

" MA !" I said on the phone crying.

" What ?"

" Tink baby died." I sniffed.

" What you mean ?"

" They saying it's SIDS." I took a deep breath. " She was blue and Ma-"

" Im on my way."


what y'all wanna see happen ?

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