Chapter 1 First Event

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The first time I saw the man in the hat hmmm.... Was probably with my brother when we were home alone at night and I swear I just saw a very tall shadow figure of a man with a fedora just standing watching us I told my brother and he looked and he saw nothing at first then a few minutes later we heard a noise he checked outside and he saw something fast skitter across the floor and our house was a 2 story house and our room was 2nd floor, so he looked down and saw the skitter he said "Gio i-i saw something." Then I said "See I told you something's there!" Then we both see lights in the back of the back yard (was a massive yard like a half of a football field) so we get scared and I ran downstairs and I saw him the man in the hat in the living room I screamed and quickly ran back up stairs and told Gio (we're both named Gio his name is Giovánni mine is Giovianni) I was petrified so I stayed in our room, scared, cold and didn't know what to do and if you ask my brother he barley remembers it but I remember it completely. It got dark and we were tired so we fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night Gio was still asleep, I swear on my life I heard footsteps up the stairs and saw my parent's room door open then slam yet Gio was still asleep then the door opened and I just saw him standing there watching me I tried to calm my breathing and I went back to sleep then I haven't seen him since recently a few days ago at our new place but only my mom and dad knows because I don't wanna tell anyone else because I think no one will believe me or just think I'm crazy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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