The bookshelf

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Yes, hello there. You did put your gills on, right? Goodie. This is the "bookshelf". A room filled with many, many books. And no, you can check them out. I'll get a list for you. They're mostly short stories. Mist will send them to you. I'll give you a list :)

1. The east wind

2. The last one

3. A seashell by the sea

4. The ring of ghosts

5. Rachel, my partner

6. Lip-reading

7. My biography

8. Little person

9. The monster

10. Accessory

11. Macs Mine

12. Gallery Incident

Yeah, that's all we have available here at this time. Sorry guys... I hope you guys have an extremely nice time. "Charles!" Oh no not again. "What is it Mist? I bet this is the 2nd time already this week!" "Uh, yes. I need to get some seaweed." "Get some yourself." "No. I like the ones that you pick." Sorry guys, again. I have to go pick some seaweed out for her.

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