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Hotel Baby: How would you like you coffee master?

Głîćhţřāp: as black as my soul!

Tw.Wolf: So a white chocolate mocha?


Flight attendant: Before landing please make sure all small things are secure

Bryan:(looks into his bag) do you feel safe in there?

Helpy: (about to kill him)


Bryan: do I look straight?

Davis: not in the slightest

Bryan: I meant my parking 

Davis: in that case you fine 


So if you didnt see Bryan's comment when R.Bonnie dies he's says that V.Freddy and R.Bonnies voice actor left the team because of something they did which explains why i haven't seen mah gummy bear, but then I came up with a head cannon!

Headcannon: So basically Głîćhţřāp took V.Freddy hostage like he did with the other animatronics but there are two different outcomes of this:

A: Głîćhţřāp kills V.Freddy and we all know V.Freddy liked to hold grudges so he haunts him and basically torments him because y'know REVENGE, and I know at one point Bryan would find Glitchtrap's lair so V.Freddy just follows them to try to help them in any way possible.

B: He gets locked up like the others just waiting to be found, but his voicebox would be ripped out because his voice actor isn't there anymore? 

Honestly this is just a headcannon so I dont really care if it's not correct but I feel like either way he would damaged or dead, dead because he hasn't shown up in a while and damaged because we might see his character again.

Anyway that was all! 


(Ps: no matter what anyone tells me I will not stop my obsession with him, obviously not to fangirl mode but just enough i still want him in the series, even if it's not cannon)

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