Mystery ride

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"So how has the last two months been?" Alex asks me as he slides into the passengers seat beside me.

"Um, it's been fine for the most part." I sigh

"For the most part? What happened, Jo?"

"We're going to the hospital. You'll see."

I can tell he's abit annoyed at the lack of information I'm giving him but this isn't the right place to tell him about Anna. He'll probably freak out and I don't want him to do it with the kids in the back seat.

The drive to the hospital was pretty smooth. We had a bit of traffic on the highway but after five minutes we started moving again. Brooklyn drilled Alex on every surgery he had done since going back to Kansas. For someone so young, she really loves to listen to surgery stories and loves to re-enact them. 

"Are you going to tell me what this is about?" he asks me as we walk out of the daycare.

"What what's about?" I ask with fake cluelessness.

He rolls his eyes and gives me a playful shove. "You know what I mean. What is it that you couldn't tell me with the kids in the car with us?"

"You'll see."

Thankfully he drops the subject and we spend the rest of the walk up to Anna's daughters room in total silence. Every step closer to our destinantion makes me more anxious. Alex will be meeting the sister of the guy he wished he could have murdered and to add to all this, she knew what her brother did to me and never tried to stop it. To her defence, there was nothing she could have done. Paul wouldn't have listened to her but isn't it the thought that counts? I scrunch my eyebrows. Why am I defending her?

"We're here." I wisper to Alex then walk in to the room. My attention shifts from my ex-husband to the dark haired woman sitting in front of me.

"Hello, Anna."

She gives me a small smile back. I can tell she's uncomfortable in this situation. "Hi, Bee."

I roll my eyes at the old nickname. "Don't call me that."

"Why not? You will always be you, no matter how hard you try to be someone else."

"This is me. Jo Wilson is me. Brooke is long gone." I growl.

"That's not true, you're still Brooke. You'll always be Brooke. She is a part of you. Do you want to know why I had my very sick daughter fly all the way to Seattle not knowing if she'd get the surgery?"

"Why?" I hiss. What point is she trying to prove?

"Because I knew that despite your hatred for my family, you wouldn't let a little girl suffer. I also knew that you wouldn't make it easy and you will not let go of the anger you feel towards me. But it's okay, I deserve it. You are still you, just stronger and more grown up. I miss my sister though."

I feel a small ache in my heart start to build when she said sister. "Fine, you still know me. But that's no excuse to not call me Jo or Dr. Wilson."

"Fine. Who's this handsome man?" she says finally noticing my ex-husbands presence in the room.

"Filter, Anna." I sigh. In that way her and Amelia are quite alike. They both don't have much of a filter. At least Shepherd is better about it now, clearly Anna still doesn't try to filter a tiny bit.

Alex takes a step forward and holds out his right hand to greet her. "I'm Dr. Alex Karev. And you are?"

Reaching out her hand to shake his, she replies, "I'm Annabelle Stadler."

I watch as Alex freezes in his spot. "Stadler? As in Paul Stadler?"

"Yes, he's my brother."

Sorry for the short chapter and the week long wait. I know I suck, sorry.

Next chapter will revolve more about Jolex ad less about Anna. Please leave your opinion about Anna! I really want to know what you think.

#1 in jowilson!! Wow, thank you so much for reading!

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