Meeting His Family - J. N.

Start from the beginning

"You look lovely, princess", Jace said. "You look handsome babe", I replied. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before he started the engine and we drove to his house.

Our houses are a few blocks away and that was enough for me to grow nervous every passing minute. I jumped in my seat when he suddenly stops the car in front of his house.

"We're here babe", Jace unbuckled his seatbelt and went over to open my door and I got out. "Don't be nervous ok? My family is gonna love you", he assured me . I nod my head and we walked up to his door where he opened it and we walked inside.

"Mom dad? Xander Gloria?", he calls. His mom and dad suddenly approached us with smiled on their faces.

"Welcome my dear. You must be Y/N?", Mrs Norman greeted me. "Good evening Mrs Norman", I smiled and extended my hand for her to shake. "Oh sweetie, we're huggers", she gushed and pulled me in her arms, "And you can call me Kris"

"Alright", I smiled after we pulled apart from hug. I was then pulled into Jace's dad's arms, "And you can call me Jake", he said.

We pulled apart as footsteps were heard. We looked and saw Jace's siblings. "Y/N! Oh my gosh, it's so good to finally meet you", Gloria gushed and also gave me a hug.

"Hey, nice to meet you too Gloria", I replied. "Dang, when Jace said you're beautiful, he didn't specify that you are this beautiful, like... You're gorgeous", she said.

"You're hot", Xander jokes from his place, standing beside Jace. My boyfriend was quick to elbow his stomach, "She's also mine, bro. In case you forgot", he hissed.

Xander laughs, "I'm just kidding bro"

He went over and gave me a quick hug. "Welcome to the family Y/N", he smirked. Jace and I blushed at his comment as Gloria, Kris and Jake laughed.

"Xander, I swear to God--"

"Just kidding, alright, I'll behave", Xander raised his hands in defeat.

"Alright, so the kitchen is here. Dinner is ready by the way, so let's dive in", Kris clapped her hands. We cheered and gathered around the kitchen table and sat down.

In front of be, there are a lot of delicious foods and deserts.

I sat beside Jace, Gloria and Xander sat in front of us and Kris and Jake sat by the ends of the table.

The family chatted with me and I easily warmed up to them. They are incredibly nice and welcoming and I love them already. Xander kept telling me a few embarrassing things that Jace had done before, Gloria is already planning a girls day for me and Kris and Jake is telling me that I am forever welcome here in their house.

"Y/N, you mentioned how recently you've been thinking about pursuing an acting career as well", Kris mentioned. "Yes. I've already released a few albums ever since my music career began and I want to try acting for a change", I explained.

"Dan actually offered her a spot on the show", Jace chimed in. "And? Did you agree?", Gloria excitedly asked. Jace and I nod our heads and she squealed. "50 bucks, her role is gonna be Henry's girlfriend", Xander smirked.

We bursted out laughing. After eating, I offered to help clean the dishes and I had a girls bonding time with Gloria and Kris.

"He really loves you, Y/N", Gloria said. "Yeah. I've never seen him this happy before, I can see in his eyes how much he really loves and cares about you", Kris added.

I smiled and looked at Jace who is messing around with his brother. "I love him too. I know it's only been a month, but he does really make me happy. I've had a boyfriend before him and I never loved him as much as I love Jace"

"You're perfect for him, honey. I hope your relationship will last forever", Kris smiled.

"Yeah, I hope so too"


We left Jace's house around 10:30 and drove back to my house.


"I love your family. They're so nice and welcoming", I said.

"I'm sorry about Xander though. He can be too much sometimes", Jace apologizes.

I laughed. "Are you kidding me? He just made dinner ten times more fun for me. I mean, thanks to him, now I know a lot of things you did back when you were a kid"

"Oh God, I knew you wouldn't let this slip out"

We laughed and chatted some more until we reachesd my house.

We stood by my front porch and smiled at each other. "Thanks for tonight, Jace"

"You're welcome Y/N. I want you to meet my family and they've been bugging me recently to bring you over", he shrugs, "Two birds with one stone"

I giggled. "Now it's my time to schedule dinner for you and my parents"

"Can't wait", he said.

We leaned forward and gave each other a quick kiss and I opened my door. "Father, mother! 11:00 on the dot", I pointed at the clock that just struck 11.

"Hi Mr and Mrs L/N", Jace waves. "Hey Jace", they waved back.

I turn to face my boyfriend and gave him another kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Of course", he replied. I watched him go to his car and drove away before I closed the door.

"I can tell tonight's dinner went well", mom smirked. "Yeah", I smiled.


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