Ch. 2

538 26 13

Ayumi's POV

I woke up this morning still thinking about the night before, and how I would have to face Kishinuma at school today. I sighed and pushed the thought away to get ready for school.

~Time Skip~

I was walking my usually route to school until I spotted Kishinuma a couple feet in front of me. I tried my best to stay calm and not draw any attention to myself that'll let him know I'm near him. Eventually, he found out I was behind him and stopped walking to let me catch up.

"Hey Shinozaki."

"H-hi Kishinuma-kun." I stuttered and tried to keep my distance from him.

For the rest of the walk it was dead silent. I didn't dare to say a word while he was just off in his own world thinking about something... I was a bit curious, but I stayed quiet until we finally made it to the school.

Once we got there I ran inside, I had to find Mochida and Shinohara. For a few reasons, I had to find Mochida so he could give me advice on what to get Kishinuma as a present since I'm his Secret Santa. I had to find Shinohara because she's basically the matchmaker in the school, I wanted to ask her advice for what I should do with Kishinuma since I'm really confused.

I walked down the halls then I finally spotted Mochida at his locker. I quickly ran to him because I didn't have much time until the bell rang.

"Mochida!" I said a bit loud, and his attention was turned towards me.

"Yes, Shinozaki?"

"I need some advice. I'm Kishinuma's secret Santa, but I don't know what kind of things he's into. Since your his best friend I thought I'd ask you."

We had a small conversation and he told me Kishinuma's into music so I should get him something relating to that.

"Arigato, Mochida." I say as I started to head to my first class. I started walking backwards to face him. "And don't tell Kishinuma!" I said one final thing before turning back around to continue walking the right way.

As I turned I felt myself bump into someone, I looked up to see Kishinuma looking straight at me. "Tell me what?" He asked with a calm, innocent voice.

"Ah, n-nothing!" I say a bit nervous while walking around him continuing on to my next class. I'm really hoping he didn't hear anything else...

Yoshiki's POV

Shinozaki's been acting kinda weird ever since I kissed her after walking her home. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, because now she's been avoiding all throught out the school day. I need to talk to her and work it all out before I lose her as a friend which I'm pretty such she's not considering me as one now.

~Time Skip~ (Lunch Time)

I saw Shinozaki walking to Shinohara and Nakashima. I was gonna casually walk up to them until Shinoahara said for Nakashima to leave for a moment. I was curious and decided to hide behind the corner of the wall and listen to their conversation. Part of me felt bad about spying, but the other part was curious so I decided to stay and listen, maybe it had to do with Shinozaki avoiding me.

Seiko's POV

Shinozaki said she has something important to talk to me about. I'm guessing it's kinda personal considering my Naomi couldn't listen...

"What do you need Shinozaki?" I asked

"I need advice..." She said a bit embarrassed

"About what?"

"It's about..." She looked around for a second making sure no one was listening. "Kishinuma." I gasped. Maybe she decided that she likes him! This is so exciting! I ship them just as much as I ship Mochida with Naomi.
"What about him? I asked casually, trying to contain my excitement.

"He kissed me..." She said looking down trying to hide her blush. "And... I kind of liked it..." I gasped again. I couldn't contain my excitement any longer.

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Now you two can finally get together!" I shouted at the top of my lungs with joy.

"Shinohara! Shhh! And what do you mean 'get together'? I'm not even sure if I do like him. And how can I be sure if he likes me?" She asked with a tone of annoyance in her voice. I can't believe her. She still doesn't realize he LOVES her! I mentally face palmed. Should I tell her? No, I'll do one better! I'll make him confess to her! Yes! I have to find Kishinuma!

"Well, I'd say just spend a bit more time with him to see if you feelings are true." I smiled and gave her a simple answer so I can go find him and convince him to confess! She gave me and quick nod and a thanks before we parted ways, walking in opposite directions.

I turned the corner to see Kishinuma standing there against the locker as if he was listening to our conversation. I put my hands on my hips and stared directly at him. His eyes went wide once he realized he's been caught.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" I asked him partially annoyed that he was listening to a privet conversation.

"No, o-of course not. I-I was just walking to my locker." He gestured to a random locker on the wall.

"But, isn't your locker back that way?" I smirked, pointing behind him. Now, he looked really nervous while I laughed playfully.

"Wh-what's so funny?!" He asked annoyed.

"Nothing, nothing." I said casually as I stopped laughing, then got serious. "So, you finally kissed her! Are you gonna confess now??"

"Ok, wait, the only reason I kissed her was because of mistletoe hanging from her door after I walked her home." He crosses his arms.

I raised my eyebrow "Did you not enjoy it then? Are you saying you were practically forced to kiss her? Do you wish it never happened? Do you not realize she said she enjoyed the kiss?" I shot a bunch of questions at him and also crossed my arms and looked directly at him. "Why can't you just man up and confess to her?!" I finished a tad bit annoyed for him being so stubborn.

"Because I don't want to get rejected! You know just as well as I do that she likes Satoshi."

"Are you deaf? Did you not hear her and me saying that she liked the kiss? Just, risk it. No matter what happens in the end, you'll feel good about getting it off your chest."

"Fine. But, if she rejects me I'm blaming you." And with that, he walked away to his next class. He's going to confess to her! Finally!!

I checked my watch and realized I was going to be late! I quickly grabbed my bag and dashed off to my next class.

((Discontinued)) Secret Santa - A Corpse Party Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now