New Beginnings

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"I'm moving back to Japan?"

"Yep! You're gonna be moving in with your cousin. I know we haven't visited in awhile but you guys were always so close, especially when we lived over there."

"We haven't lived there since I was like six. What about school? Or my friends? Plus my team needs me! Nobody else can play libero!"

My dad glances down with a harsh sigh, running a hand through his hair. I'm taken aback at the sound. Seeing him so serious... it makes my chest feel constricted. He's usually much more laid back.

"It's- it's just for now while your mother and I work on some things. Your team will be fine. Besides, this will be great for you. You'll experience more culture from my side of the family and even spend time with your cousin."

"But... without you guys?"

I know that they've been having trouble recently but I just never considered that we might have to move. That I might have to move alone. It stings that they decided to send me back to Japan without even asking me.

"It's just for now. It won't be forever. Your mother and I just have some things to work on over here and it'll be easier if you aren't here. It'll be fine." There's a pleading look to his eyes and I feel my defensive stance start to crumble.

"I... okay. Yeah. It'll be super fun."

I struggle to put on a smile and I'm pretty certain it falls short but it serves its purpose. My dad beams at me, no doubt relieved that I'm not putting up a big fight.

"Exactly! You'll be leaving next week. I know it's very soon and you're almost through the school year. I don't know if you remember but their school year is a little different. You'll be a few weeks late but that should be alright."

"...yeah, it'll be fine. I'm excited."

The next week passes in a blur of packing and goodbyes. My friends make me promise to keep them updated with everything and I eventually find myself on a plane to Tokyo with my cousin awaiting my arrival.

[From this point forward, English will be italicized.]

Exiting the boarding area, I look around the crowds before settling on bleach blond hair and stubble. I haven't seen him in person for years but I'd know Keishin anywhere. He grins and waves me over. "Hey, brat! Get your ass over here and let me see how much you've grown."

"I'm not a brat!"

He pulls me into a tight hug, ruffling my hair playfully before leading the way towards baggage claim.

"You've been keeping up with your Japanese, right? You're gonna need it cause I'm not gonna use English unless I have to."

"I remember enough to get by."

I speak a little slow, trying my best to enunciate all the words correctly. I must sound a little strange because he laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we walk.

"You don't have to try that hard, kid. It's fine if you have an accent."

Once I get my bag, he leads the way towards a shop in the airport. Keishin gestures towards a variety of bento boxes with a dismissive wave.

"It's a long trip to the house and I'm sure you're hungry after that plane ride. Pick out something and you can eat on the way."

Grabbing something random, we pay and then head out to the parking lot. He shepherds me towards a yellow car and fills the silence with conversation as we begin the drive to his place.

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