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Hi I'm y/n and i leave with my single mom and my sister my dad left us when I was 5 to go work for the santos and if he didn't leave other gangs would kill us. My mom was really sad for awhile but after she stared working really hard and she just got a better job and the good thing is she gets more money to provide for us but the bad thing is we have to move to New Jersey so i have to leave all my friends which makes me really sad but that are family gets to start over because everyone knows my dad for working for the santos and everybody was afraid of him.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast with my sister and my mom came running in

Good morning girls!
Morning mom!
Girls we have to talk I got a new job and I'm gonna make more money!
mom that's great !
Ya mom that's awesome
Ya ya but the thing that sucks about is that we have to move to New Jersey and I have already taken the job
Wait mom really I'm gonna have to leave my friends!
I'm fine with leaving tbh we get a new start so not everyone will know us because of dad.
Mom yes your very right Emma. Y/n it's gonna be fine
But I don't wanna leave my bestie here with out me
maybe we can see if she can move in with us for awhile I'm getting more money so we will get a bigger house if she can't then we can visit
Wait really ima go ask her I hope she can come!! And if she can't I will be sad but we will be able to visit yay!

You run to hug your mom in a very tight hug.

Te amo mama
Te amo bby
**end of pov**

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