Chapter Twenty Five: A Traitor to All

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You sank to the floor, choking back sobs as the Resistance shuttle took off, the image of Kylo's face permanently making a home in your mind.  No matter what happened after this, you knew that his pain, his hurt after this day would never leave you.

"Alright quit crying,"

The same woman who convinced you to join the Resistance was now directing someone to put handcuffs on you. Typical.

"Is this really necessary?"

You glared up at the same man who called you a bitch, now tightly binding your wrists. You could sense that the feelings you had toward him were mutual.

"Hmm, is it necessary to restrain a scummy traitor?  You know what," the man's tone was dripping with sarcasm as he sneered at you. "I think it is."

He kicked your foot as he walked away, heading towards the front of the ship.

"Still not a traitor if I wasn't with you guys in the first place," you called after him, greatly annoyed by your mistreatment.

Though you weren't entirely sure what you had been expecting.  For the past several months, you had served the First Order, did their bidding, helped them with their attacks on the Resistance.  Not only that, but you quite obviously had a, well, close relationship with the Kylo Ren, the murderous wizard guy.

You looked up as the tall woman from early walked towards you.  You studied her as she bent to your level, taking in her appearance.  Her eyes were dark brown, lacking the warmth that Kylo's often had. Damn it, stop thinking about him, you're just gonna cry again.

"So, little miss traitor," she smirked at you as you attempted to melt her with your eyes.  "How do we know we can trust you?"

You kept quiet for a second more, continuing to study her, noticing that her hair was as dark as her eyes, pinned to her head similarly to yours.

Sighing, you met her eyes again.

"For a while now," you wiped your face free of tears with your sleeve, sniffling slightly.  "I've been conflicted, no longer wanting to serve the First Order but not knowing how."  You stared up at her, trying to show that you were being genuine.

"But why didn't you even try to leave earlier? We know what powers you have and what you're capable of, so what held you back?"

You chewed your lip, tears threatening to spill from your eyes again as thoughts of Kylo flashed in your mind, memories of him clouding your vision.

"That doesn't matter now," you squeezed your eyes shut and wiped your face again.  "I've left him-I mean it, I left it behind."

The woman watched you curiously, obviously catching your slip up, but said nothing.

"Well, you're stuck with us now," She stood to her full height and straightened out her clothes. "I doubt the First Order will want you back after what you did." 

You nodded, trying to fight the slight feeling of sadness that crept through you.

"My names Tala, by the way."  She smiled at you slightly, looking at you expectantly.

"Oh um," your mind began racing, wondering if you should tell her your given name. 

With a shaky breath, you smiled up at her and told her your name, your real name, the one given to you by your parents.

Tala nodded at you before heading back to the front of the ship, leaving you alone in the back.


"Ok, let's go little miss traitor,"

The shorter man from earlier took hold of your arm and helped you to your feet before leading you off the ship.

"You don't need to keep calling me that," you grumbled at him, annoyed by his tight grip on your arm.

"Nah, I think it has a nice ring to it." 

He smirked at you, making you consider using the Force to shove him to the ground.

"Ok, well what do I call you then?"

He stayed silent for a second before looking back at you, his expression softened slightly.

"Commander Dameron," he faced straight ahead again as you both continued walking.

"And where are we going?" You looked around you nervously, hating the nasty looks people were giving you.

"To see the General,"  he looked over at you and laughed at your nervous expression.  "As much as I hate to admit it, traitor, you don't really have a lot to worry about."

You looked at him, expecting him to say more, but he said nothing, a smug grin sneaking to his face. 

As you continued to walk in silence, your thoughts drifted to Kylo again.  You began to wonder what he was doing at the moment, if he was out looking for you, if even cared about where you were. 

Close your mind, close your mind, close your mind: he can't know where you are.

Your thoughts seemed to become more difficult to push away as you approached the General's tent, the image of Kylo becoming more vivid in your mind.

As Dameron pushed you into the tent, all of your other thoughts subsided, a familiar feeling taking over as you looked at the General.

You watched her as she turned to face you, feeling your mouth drop open in awe, that calm, peaceful feeling you felt in your sleep taking over you.

"Thank you. Poe, leave us."

He smiled at her fondly before nodding and leaving the tent.

You stood in front of General Organa, your hands still held in their restraints, just watching her, trying to absorb the wonderful feeling that wafted off of her.

"Sit down child,"

A sad smile took over her face, her bright eyes looking at you with pity.

"I have a feeling we have lots to talk about."


*alright babes, welcome to the Resistance!  Kylo content will be mixed in, but I have a feeling that the rest of the story is going to be pretty plot heavy.  There's only so much fluff and smut you can include when y/n and Kylo aren't actually in the same place, lol*

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