Family Reunion

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  Carter leaned on the counter as she watched her boyfriend inhale his waffles, he had been in the underworld for an extended period of time. As nice a guy as Hades was he didn't feed his kids very well apparently, this was Nico's fourth plate of three waffles. Figuring this was as good a time as any, Carter looked at Nico and said "Oh! By the way I was wondering if you wanted to come to a family reunion with me."

Nico all but choked on his waffle and he said "Uh, I'm not related to you. I can't go to a family reunion."

Carter looked at him and said "Well I mean, we are related. Well sorta."

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Nico tried to glare at her but it wasn't working. He refocused his attention to his waffles and continued to eat. Carter's mother smiled and said 

"Well, the thing is; my sister got married to a rich man about 18 years ago. So every three years she hosts this big family get together in a large hotel. She rent's the place out and brings in amazing bartenders for the adults and caters in the best food in the state. It's not just a family get together, she lets anyone come. Plus I already RSVP'd for four people."

  "What am I suppose to even wear?" He sighed dramatically as he sat on the edge of Carter's bed watching her back a bag for the both of them.

"Well the events are black tie."

"I don't have a tie." He quickly interjected.

"I assumed as much, so before the cab comes you and I are going shopping for some dressier clothes for you."

Nico flopped back onto the bed and looked at his girlfriend of 4 years, her long black hair fell in curtains over her shoulders and into the case she was packing. She looked up at him and her bright blue eyes shimmered in the light. He smiled at her and then asked "What are we going to be doing?"

"Probably nothing."

  Carter pulled Nico along the snow covered streets of New York City, sliding on the sidewalks occasionally. Her boots had good grip but she was moving so quickly they weren't doing what they were suppose to. They finally got to Macy's, Carter lead him to the men's department. They looked around for a while and finally Carter said "Okay look for a tie." Nico grabbed the ugliest looking tie on the wrack, it was wide and covered in misshapen triangles. Carter looked at him, a mixture of shock and disgust lingered on her face.

"Uh, yeah. No." She said putting the horror back on the wrack. She searched through them and found a black and red stripped skinny tie. She wrapped it around his neck and looked at it against his skin, she smiled and nodded. "That'll do nicely."

After a moment she asked "You don't have a dress shirt do you?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Good point, no reason to have one in the underworld."

  Nico stood in the kitchen with the tie draped around his neck, he didn't know how to tie one. He stood there helplessly, he was waiting on Carter to come out of her room. She was changing into her dress that she was suppose to wear tonight. He heard the clicking of heels on the wood floors, he looked up and saw her standing there. She wore a black dress the had a slightly puffed out skirt, a strapless design with a 'sweetheart' neckline. She wore what appeared to be a very expensive pair of high heels, the ones that had the red soles on them. He long black hair was wavy and pushed off to one side, creating a waterfall effect. Nico smiled at her, she looked beautiful. She smiled back, her lips painted a deep red. He noted that her lip color matched his tie. She tilted her head to the side and asked "Do you need help?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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