He sits thoughtfully beside me, “Perhaps all that says is I’m a good judge of character.” I turn back to him with those words and he looks down at me with a tenderness in his eyes, “I could tell you were a good girl by the look in your eyes. You wouldn’t hurt anyone…” he reaches out and ruffles my hair like I were someone close to him. I raised an eyebrow as I pulled away from him, “How do you know I’m not just really good at tricking gullible enforcers into thinking I’m an innocent girl?” He lets out a laugh at my question. 

“I just had a feeling, because your eyes looked the same as hers…” He mumbles and my mind is curious about who he could be talking about but before I can ask him the back door glass shatters and scatters through the room and I’m ducking quickly not sure whats happening. Victor is up in a second his muscles tense and ready for action. I peek up over the couch to find Sasha standing behind the now broken door and Gideon laying on the ground groaning, “Damn it woman…” 

I jump up from my hiding spot, “Sasha!” She quickly turns towards me her eyes black as she had shown me earlier. She blinks and they go back to their normal blue as she steps through the broken door dusting her hands on her pants as she walks towards me.

I close the distance between us and this time I accept the hug she gives me. I don’t think I could have been happier to see anyone else in that moment. It felt awful being a prisoner but it’s not as awful when your friend is a prisoner with you. “I’m so glad you’re not dead.” I say as I pull back from her examining her quickly to make sure she looks better, and she does. She puts her hands on her hips, “You think I would let myself die in a place like this? Get real wolf girl.” I smile at her. Yep, she’s feeling better. 

Victor walks over to Gideon, “Mikhail isn’t going to be happy that you broke his door…” Gideon glares up at Victor, “Oh shut your trap, and give me a hand.” Victor helps up Gideon up off the ground. Gideon dusts himself off quickly and then looks over to where Sasha and I are standing, “That woman is unreasonable.” He points to Sasha. She levels him with a deadly stare, “I wonder why that would be? Maybe it’s because I’m being held as a prisoner by a werewolf who thinks by some law of the universe I belong to him.” 

Victor tries not to laugh, “She does have a point—“ Gideon turns his glare on him, “What did I say about shutting that trap of yours?” Victor raised his hands in surrender but kept a smile on his face. He looked back to Sasha, “You are my mate woman, and when you come to understand that you’ll be begging me to make you mine.” Sasha stared across the room at him looking very unmoved, “Don’t count on it wolfy.” Gideon growls at her and it’s clear that something happened between these two while they were away from the rest of us. 

As if on cue the rest of the enforcers came up into the main room from downstairs. They both looked around the room and then continued walking towards the kitchen, “Mikhail’s not going to be very happy about the door…” The creepy one mentions as he passes by Gideon and Victor. That only makes Victor chuckle and earn another glare from his friend. I wonder if things are always like this between them. I mean if you think about it they’re kind of like there own little pack. 

I hear the sound of footsteps racing down the stairs and look to see Nana charging through straight for the creepy guy, “Brandt!” She jumps on him and he is wearing a very pained expression as if touching her hurt him in someway but he hugged her lightly anyway. She was looking up at him like a love sick puppy dog and I could tell that made him feel uncomfortable. 

“What about me? Don’t old dogs get love too?” She looks toward him and makes a disgusted face, “No because you stink Dante.” He made a face, “What do you mean I stink?” He looked to Brandt, “Do I stink?” He asks as he tries to smell himself. Brandt shrugs his shoulders but says nothing. 

“Don’t worry dear.” Bianca the woman who had been helping Nana in the kitchen came down the stairs and approached him. She came up and kissed him on the lips lightly, “I still love you, stink and all.” Then she passed by him into the kitchen and began to pull out plates and silverware. I guess they must be mates I think to myself. It feels weird watching them all interact with each other it’s almost like a big family. 

Nana’s eyes look over to me and she smiles brightly, bounding over to me with excitement. The enforcers watch me carefully probably afraid I’ll hurt her or something. I sigh inwardly but try not to let it bother me. She stops a few feet away looking from me to Sasha. She stuck out her hand, “I’m Hannah, but everyone just calls me Nana.” Sasha looks down at the girls hand and grabs it, “Are you a prisoner here too?” She asks in a hushed tone. I smack my hand to my forehead internally. Nana’s gives her a puzzled look, “Prisoner?” 

I quickly smack Sasha on the back and start laughing, “That’s a good one Sasha. You’re always such a jokester.” Nana looks between us and then laughs a little believing that Sasha had been joking with her. Sasha looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Bianca calls from the Kitchen, “Okay everyone it’s time for dinner!” The Enforcers don’t need any more of an invitation they make there way into the kitchen like they were half starved. Nana scurries away from Sasha and I toward the kitchen. 

“That’s Mikhail’s sister…” I inform her. 

“So not a prisoner, got it.” She confirms, “That would have been nice to know before hand…” She whispers back to me. I know Mikhail is in the room because his scent hit my nose and on reflex I turn to look at him. His eyes find mine and they connect for a moment and my wolf surfaces with excitement  but he looks away she shrinks back. I roll my eyes someone’s acting like a big baby. 

“What happened to my door?” Mikhail asks as he walks towards the kitchen. The enforcers chuckle, “Yeah Gideon what happen to the door?” Gideon tenses up giving his friends deadly looks. “It was that woman’s fault.” He says in hurry pointing his finger at Sasha. She looks from Gideon to Mikhail and I can sense that there is a tiny bit of fear in her. Mikhail looks over at Sasha and then back to Gideon, “I told you that she was your responsibility. I expect you to have this mess cleaned up.” He speaks emotionless as usual. Gideon steps forward, “I’m the Enforcer and she’s the prisoner, she should be the one to clean it up…” He looks to Sasha with a smug smirk as if to say he was paying her back. Mikhail shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t care who does it just get it done.” 

She puffs out her chest, “Oh yeah? Well here’s what I think of you stupid wolves and your damn rules…” she raises up both of her hands and flips them all off, “Enforce this!” She yells at them her eyes turning black again. Inwardly I’m conflicted part of me wants to join her but another part of me knows it’s better not to poke the snake. Alpha wolves don't do well with disrespect but I've heard enforcers are worse and when I see the look in Mikhail's eyes I know we're about to have a problem.

"Damn it woman..." I mutter as I pull my wolf to the surface. 

The Hunted { old version }Where stories live. Discover now