"I mean, I don't think you want to. You'll know way too much about Harry by the time you're done."

He gives me a look. "Knowledge is power, Niall."

"He said that the latest chapter, which was pure smut, and probably the raunchiest it's been yet, mind you, was based off of his fantasies with me." I spill the beans, and Louis' eyes widen. He scrambles to work my phone, and I give him a look that he misses as he stares at the iPhone screen.

"Are you... Are you reading it, Lou?" I ask tentatively, leaning in, trying to see the screen. Louis hides it from me, and I huff in annoyance.

"I'm conducting research, Niall. Don't interrupt."

"The suspense is going to give me heart palpitations." Groaning, I toss myself back onto Louis' bed and wonder if drowning myself in the pool is a good idea.

"Harry Styles has quite the imagination." Louis muses.

"He really likes lipstick."

"I have a feeling he's never actually experienced it before. Lipstick doesn't taste good." He explains, handing me back my phone.

"He hasn't. He's a virgin, and I was his first kiss." I explain, and Louis smiles widely.

"He's a little princess."

"He's my little princess."

"Harry the Princess."

"Do you think we should buy him some lipstick?" Louis suggests, and I shake my head.

"No! He doesn't know that we know, Louis. We have to pretend we don't."

"Well we have to do something for the pretty, little princess." He bargains, and I roll my eyes.

"What exactly do you think we should get him, then?"

"I have an idea..." Louis says slowly. "But... It will involve your parent's alcohol."

"What kind of alcohol?" I ask, gauging how bad of an idea this is going to be.

"Preferably wine."

"Shit," I stand up. "What are we still doing here? Let's go get some wine."


"Oh my god!" I laugh loudly, closing the door behind me. "My dad was right there!"

"I can't believe he didn't catch us." Louis breathes, setting down the four wine bottles we had managed to snatch. Three reds and one white. We had decided the white wine would be the last bottle we opened, because neither of us like white wine unless we're already too drunk to taste anything other than chocolate milkshakes.

"'You boys 'avin fun?'" I mimic my dad.

"Swell, dad!" Louis says in a squeaky voice, grabbing a wine glass I had set out before we snuck to the liquor cabinet.

I pick up one of the bottles of red, and wave it around. "You might even say...we're grape."

"No." Louis stops smiling. "No, you can't say that."


"No, you can't."


"We're not even drunk yet. No."

"Oh, right sorry." I mutter.

"If you wanna make those jokes, you've gotta get me drunk."

"I've been drinking, I've been drinking." I sing the song, uncorking the bottle to help pour for Louis.

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