Making out and not making it

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So this story is about how my boyfriend (I will call him Luca here) found out about my occasional accidents and how I found out he was into diapers.

So Luca and I have just started dating and I was staying over at his place a lot. We were still in the phase where we couldn't keep our hands of each other and just wanted to be around each other 24/7. Also it was that time where we still tried to make our best impression on the other.

It was the weekend and I had already spent one night there. Luca was very caring and made me some breakfast in bed and everything was fine, but after breakfast I already started to feel the urge to go to the bathroom. When he asked me if I would be staying another night I told him, that I would have to go home soon to shower and get some things and but that I could come back right after. Really I just wanted to use the bathroom at home. I realized that I should have thought of a better excuse because he offered me that I could shower there and just wear some of his clothes to chill. I decided to take him up on the offer and try to go relive myself while the shower was running so he wouldnt hear or smell anything. This would have been a great plan if he hadn't decided on getting in the shower with me. By that point my stomach was already hurting pretty bad and I was feeling really bloated. I prayed that I would get another chance to use the bathroom soon. I was way to shy to say anything to him...

While watching a movie on the couch I had to already start clenching my buttcheeks tighter and I realized I would have to go soon. I dont really know why I decided to wait. Maybe cause I hoped that the urge would go away again and when Luca started cuddling up to me and kissing me I knew I couldn't really go now. He pulled me onto his lap kissing me passionately while I was only thinking about keeping inside the big turd that was pressing against the inside of my butthole. He started kissing my neck and taking my shirt off, when I finally just said ,,Wait I have to go pee''. He looked at me and said ,,Hold it'' and then just kept kissing me and softly massaging my breasts. I felt the turd already sticking out a tiny little bit. ,,Please I really gotta go'' I giggled while he kept making out with me. ,,Hold it'' he said with a sharp tone as if he was turned on by me getting a little desperate. ,,PLEASE'' I begged him and tried to get of his lap but he pulled me back onto him quickly. Right in that moment my butthole gave up and with a slow farting sound a big turd slid right past my thong into the leggins I was wearing. I wanted to die.

He looked at me smirking ''So I guess you didn't have to pee'' I just stared because I didn't know what to say and even if I wasnt able to speak thoigh I was suprised that he seemed so calm and not shocked at all.

He actually helped me clean myself up and was so nice and kind and then we had a talk where he confessed he was into Diapers/Wetting and Messing. I told him that I was too (although what just happened was really an accident) and we made our first diaper order together that night.

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