Chapter 4: Devadi Dev Karna incarnates

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Duryodhana muni continued,

I fell at the feet of Urveshwar and said, "Oh Karna Maharaja, Grant me a boon that you will become my best friend in the upcoming Avatar".

Carrom board Mrityunjay said, "Tathasthu".

Everyone left the place. Karna deva and Urvi Mata were alone. Urvi said, "Deva, since you will also have to live like a child, I will not be able to accompany you in childhood. That's why my manifestation Vrushali will accompany you in childhood."

Karna Deva said, "As you wish darling"


Finally the auspicious time came of birth of Karna deva.

There was a naughty girl named Kunti. She was originally daughter of Shursena, the king of Mathura and grandfather of Kapti Krishna. But she was a very bad girl. She never did her homework and always get indulged in Tik Tok. Due to her such behaviour her parents gave her to their cousin Kuntibhoj in 10 rupees.

Once, there was an old man named Durvasa. He wanted to make his Facebook id but he didn't knew how to make it. Then Kunti helped him in making id. Happy by it, the old man blessed her that she will get child from a God whenever she want. Kunti,being an ignorant girl didn't listened properly and move onto her way.
One day, she was standing on a riverside. Suddenly, she began signing,
"Aaj blue blue hai pani pani pani pani aur din bhi sunny sunny sunny sunny aa jao on beach yaaro.... "
Now hearing sunny, sunny so many times Surya Deva thought that Kunti is calling him. Surya Deva went to Kunti while she was busy listening songs with her headest.
Surya said, "Hello, I'm Surya"
Kunti dancing and listening songs didn't heard it. He again called,
"Hello, I'm Surya"
Kunti turned and shocked to see who is he.
She said, "Who are you?"

Surya said, "I'm Surya.. Sun/Suraj"

Kunti said, "Suraj? Suraj Pancholi? O My God, Sir I'm a huge fan of you. Can we have a selfie?"

Surya said, " No no not that one I'm Surya, the one who is in the sky. See above. "

Kunti said, "Oh! That one. Ok, what you want with me?"

Surya said, "Since you have called me, by boon of old man Durvasa, I will give you child."

Kunti said, "Child? What the ....? When did I call you? What nonsense! Go away!

But Surya didn't listened Kunti and throwed a child in her lap. He was Karna Deva!! He had Tanishq diamond earrings in his ears and bulletproof jacket. Kunti just as saw him got mesemerized by the divine beauty and started saying, "Ho so cute, so nice baby, Gullu Gullu, Ale Ale shona lote nahi"
Suddenly, Kunti started feeling something surely is wrong. She countered very bad smell. Soon, she realised Karna deva had done something!
Kunti said, "Yak, how can anybody keep such a child!"
Kunti took a basket placed nearby, put Karna Deva into it and let him flow into the river. After that she began continuing her song, "Aaj blue blue hai pani pani pani pani aur din bhi sunny sunny sunny sunny aa jao on beach yaaro.... "

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