Chapter Sixteen: Friendship Ending

Start from the beginning

Cristiano glared at Tiffany, he was surprised that Jenna didn't have worse confidence issues from spending time with Tiffany; the blonde seemed determined to bring Jenna down at any chance that she had.

"You could do so much better, Jenna's nothing more than a charity case," Tiffany purred moving forward, she ignored the hurt look on Jenna's face as she focused on Cristiano who looked furious at what she was saying.

Jenna stared at Tiffany realising that even if she did tell Tiffany how she felt about Cristiano, her friend wouldn't care it all had to be about Tiffany.

Cristiano gritted his teeth, he felt his hands start to shake as he let go of Jenna, he didn't want to risk phasing and hurting her; he stared at Tiffany wondering why she couldn't let this go.

"I think you should leave," Cristiano spat knowing that Jenna wouldn't forgive him if he hurt her friend, he hated the blonde with a passion and he couldn't wait to get Jenna away from her.

Cristiano spotted a couple of his pack-mates watching the scene in case something happened, they didn't need their secret revealed to someone that wasn't ever going to be part of their pack.

Tiffany pursed her lips, she knew that she wasn't finished with Cristiano but she was sure that she could still get rid of Jenna so that she could have what she wanted.

"Come on Jenna, we have to leave," Tiffany mused bored, she would convince Jenna to leave the moment that she had the brunette alone; she wanted to have Cristiano and not even her best friend was going to get in her way.

Cristiano growled low in his chest, he wasn't going to let Jenna go anywhere alone with Tiffany; he feared that the blonde was a danger to his mate and would try to kill her.

"No," Jenna said making both Tiffany and Cristiano stare at her surprised, neither had been expecting her to refuse and were prepared for her to leave with Tiffany; they had no idea that Jenna had finally had enough.

Jenna was finally tired of being belittled and spoken down to by Tiffany, she had never thought that her friend would push her to this level even if she was scared of losing the only friend that she had.

"Excuse me," Tiffany said shocked, she didn't know what had gotten into Jenna but she didn't like it; she was sure that her friend had just slipped up and didn't mean to refuse her.

Jenna blinked surprised at herself for a moment before she took a deep breath, she wasn't going to let Tiffany walk all over her anymore; she knew this talk had been a long time coming.

"I said no," Jenna repeated more forcefully, she didn't know where she was getting the courage from but she wasn't going to change her mind.

Tiffany blinked shocked, she stared at Jenna wondering why she was talking back to her and she hated that she was doing so; she had always gotten away with speaking to Jenna as if she was dirt.

"I'm tired of you putting me down all the time Tiff, I'm tired of always coming second best to you no matter what is happening..." Jenna said shaking her head, the last two weeks in Madrid had only shown Jenna what it actually felt like to be cared for.

Cristiano a near complete stranger had treated her better than her so called best friend had ever done and it had opened Jenna's eyes.

"You can't talk to me like that," Tiffany shrieked, she truly didn't like how the tables had turned and she had never had Jenna speak back to her; she had expected Jenna to roll over and take whatever she said.

Cristiano smiled proudly, he had never thought that he would see Jenna stand up for herself and he knew it had a little to do with their bond; he was sure that this talk had been a long time coming.

Anyone could see how badly Tiffany treated Jenna and it had finally reached breaking point, Cristiano would support Jenna and she would make some real friends with the pack-females when she knew about his secret.

"Doesn't our friendship mean anything to you?" Tiffany said changing tactic, she was going to try and guilt Jenna into making down; she wasn't used to having anyone stand up to her when people usually just did what she wanted.

Jenna sighed sadly, she did feel guilty that she was having to do this but hearing Tiffany call her a charity case had been the last straw for her; she had never said anything bad about the blonde before.

"Of course it means something to me... but our friendship, isn't something that I have to earn, I already have it," Jenna responded with a shake of her head, she had to do this for herself if she wanted their friendship to ever recover; she couldn't let Tiffany continue to bring her down like she was nothing.

Tiffany frowned, she didn't know when Jenna had started to think for herself and she didn't like it; she wanted the poor girl that had tried to kill herself back that she could control.

"You expect me to do so much for you and you can't even trust me," Jenna continued knowing that Tiffany had been far from supportive of her since they had arrived; her friend had done nothing but think of herself and hadn't even cared when Jenna had been in hospital.

"Obviously I can't trust you... you stole my man," Tiffany scoffed staring at Jenna daring her to deny what she had done, she would have been Cristiano's girlfriend by now if it hadn't been for Jenna.

Cristiano frowned, he wasn't Tiffany's and he never had been it was clear that Tiffany was slightly unhinged if she believed that Jenna had stolen what wasn't hers.

"I love you Tiff, you're like a sister to me and I'll always be there for you, but now I know that you can't be there for me," Jenna whispered with tears in her eyes, she stared at the person that had been her best friend before Cristiano wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

Cristiano peeked at Jenna, he was so proud of her and he knew that she was hurting right now; she was closing the door on her former life and she had no idea why yet.

Jenna looked at Tiffany for another moment, she wasn't even surprised when her friend didn't even try to apologise; she slowly allowed Cristiano to lead her away so that they could head home.

Cristiano nodded at Iker, he would tell Jenna soon that they were mated and he knew that right now wasn't the best time; she was upset and she had every right to be.

"I can't believe that you're throwing our friendship away for some guy," Tiffany spat furious, she couldn't believe that this was happening and it could have all been avoided if Jenna had left to return to Valencia.

Jenna sniffled leaning into Cristiano, she swallowed thickly realising what she had just done and she felt terrible; she was tired and she knew that everything would change now.

Tiffany was her best friend and Jenna had a feeling that she would have no one now when she returned to Valencia; she didn't like the idea but there was no undoing the damage that had been done.

Cristiano peeked at Jenna concerned, he slowly walked them towards his car wanting to make sure she was okay; he was sure that everything was going to be okay and he doubted that what had happened would affect Tiffany like it was affecting Jenna.

Cristiano gently stopped the brunette from walking, he sighed pulling her into a hug before Jenna burst into tears; she was shocked that her friendship was now destroyed and Tiffany hadn't seemed to really care.


Author's Note:

Happy Holidays Everyone xxx

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