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Piper: let's go to the beach
Walker: I'm down
Jentzen: sure
Clementine: I'm coming
Sawyer: yes
Sophie: yes I'm going
*everybody else was tv so they didn't want to go. They arrive at the beach*
Piper: I going in the sea
Walker: yes everybody let's go
*walker was running with jentzen and his rugby ball. They were playing rugby in the sea and piper/Sophie was watching them*
Piper: do boy's always play rugby
Sophie: some boys
Piper: let's push walker over
Sophie: yes
*piper pushes walker over*
Walker: what the heck
*gets up then Sophie pushes him over*
Walker:Now you guys are teaming up on me
Piper and Sophie laughed
Sawyer: let's go back
Walker: yes please I'm soaked
*piper and Sophie laugh*

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