A haunted houses

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Once there parents were looking for a house for rent by they way not able to find one which was close to her daughter's school and dad's office after a long share my dad find a house which was close to my school and dad's office but it was seem to be nice one thing I didn't like right behinded there was an old Red haunted house youshill.I'm not that scared of this things that a Red haunted house can be seen in my room window and it was wired because Regina saw a girl standings in the red haunted house window by calling her to come there, she told her mom that she can see the house front of our house clearly from here and I saw a girl call me and then she told her mom could you find another house. I don't like my room. I can see that Red haunted house from my room window Regina don't you know your father attect his self in it then you guys take my room and I shall get your room. I don't want to stay in that room. I hate that room Regina don't spend time telling this go to bed know. Ahhh no matter work they want gave they room. I knew it after a few days. I got use to the room slowly my fear of the Red haunted house by seeing in my window one night some thing straight came. at twelve clock when I was in my bed trying to sleep my eyes slitted over window and I saw some one staring at me from the top floor in that Red haunted house it just a imagination thing and I through that is only a imagination by I could see that some thing staring at me. mom open door... mom open the door mom...what's wrong Regine. I saw the girl staring at me in the window of that Red haunted house.come and see, Regina they is no one there, ask this at night don't get up and say nonsense this is what I told you not to tell anything now. mom I saw they is some one in that window. Sleep you have to go school at morning it was nothing you just  imagination ok, the next night and I was ready for bed I saw some one staring at me in that Red haunted house again I should tell mom... mom... come here quickly you didn't believe me and told that was not imagination thing see some one is staring at me they. There in no one here again. oh Regina do you know what time it is you started calling me don't you care your father is sleeping no mom, stop this house is empty want no one lives they how will a girl  be standing at the window, now sleep. Regina slowly went to that Red haunted house she open the door and she shouted anyone here... anyone is here... suddently the door shut up. she ran to the door and try to open but  she can't and she was crying and go up stairs and she see from the window that ghost went her bed room like her,Morning told her mom get up Regina mom I feel I'm not well I can't go school. Regina shall we take a medicine, no mom don't want. "why is Regina like that" Regina get ready and to go to a place, ok mom and then she got ready a get on to the car and then on tje way her mom asked the girl how is like her daughter, my daughter loves doll do you? yes she said and then her mom stopped the car and told what my daughter never like dolls , then you knew it mom the ghost said.. Suddenly Regina's mom get up over the car a burned it now you are over.  My daughter she maybe in Red haunted house one hour later her mom want to that Red haunted house here is my daughter.mom you are here Regina we must go for another home it is dangerous here for you now.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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