'An offender with D.I.D. who kidnapped and drugged Reid,' Emily answered. 

'When was this?' Tara pressed. 

'Ten years ago,' JJ stated. 

'What does the report say about the intent to distribute?' Rossi queried. 

'Uh, it says he was charged with constructive possession, and in the duffel bag there was cocaine, cash, and three bricks of heroin,' Penelope's voice fell panicked.

'Penn, I need that report sent through,' Laylah instructed; 'Translated or not.'

'On it.'

'Ok, we'll be there in less than an hour,' Emily sighed; 'Dave, were you able to reach Jack Garrett?' 

'He's deep in a case, but he promised to do what he can,' Rossi shook his head. 

'Ok. We're gonna need all the help we can get.'

Laylah accepted the iPad from Luke, moving to sit back in her chair as the report came through. She quickly read through the sentences, her fingers beginning their usual movement against the table top. They missed her silent panic attack that took a hold of her body, the girl working through it slowly until she passed out from the lack of breath she received.


'Luke,' Laylah whispered as their car came to a stop outside the jail. 

He looked down at her, but she didn't meet his gaze.

'I don't know if I can do this,' She said softly; 'This is all my fault.'

'Hey, no, it's not,' He took her hand. 

'I... I should've stayed with him.'

'Then you'd be down here, too.'

'This is my fault.'

'No. I refuse to believe that. He was framed Laylah.'

'I know. He was supposed to go to Houston. He was going to check his mother back into the facility.'

'Let's go see what he remembers.'

She nodded her head, but refused to release his hand. He walked into the building with her, Rossi and Emily waiting for them before they followed after the lead detective on the case.

'Thanks for calling us,' Emily stated. 

'A U.S. fed in our custody isn't something we see every day,' The man nodded in understanding.

'We appreciate you letting us talk to him. Have you gotten his tox screen panels back yet?' 


'You will need to expedite that. We have cause to believe that Agent Reid was drugged.' 

Laylah's eyes went to Spencer the second she sat him, hunched over himself in a cell.

'He was definitely high and driving like a maniac with twenty thousand dollars worth of heroin in his possession. Both of which put my officers at risk,' The man stated; 'You're in our jurisdiction. The rules are different here.' 

'We understand,' Emily confirmed. 

Luke tugged on Laylah's hand, walking past her to lead her toward the cell. Spencer stared blankly out into the air, in a way that Laylah imagined she looked like when she lost herself. 

'Hey, Reid. It's good to see you, brother,' Luke called softly, making the man look up at them; 'It's me, Luke.' 

Spencer stared at them, before his focused on Laylah; his head tilted to the side slight before recognition finally lit up his features. 

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