Nicole rubbed Waverly's back as the latter went on crying. "Hey, ssshh... Waves, you do know you can, right? You can live your life the way you want... It's yours, Waves. It was given to you and you alone. They don't own you... You're not anyone's property except yourself... Wynonna's probably not thinking about pressuring you... You're just innately brilliant, Waves. With pressure or not, you always like learning things... It's always the way you're supposed to live. And about your friends, well, they're just shitty friends..." This made the brunette stop crying and chuckle into her chest. Nicole went on, tightening her hug against Waverly. "If they don't accept who you really are, then they're not exactly your friends, Waves... You should be free around them, not hiding and especially not forming yourself into someone that pleases them... I'm sure if Willa was around, she'd kick their asses for making fun of you..."

Waverly sniffled and laughed, pulling her head from Nicole's chest and stared at the redhead's eyes. No one knew who closed the gap between them. All Nicole knew was how she was now tasting Waverly in her mouth, both sweet and salty from the tears.

One thing Nicole was sure of from that time forward, if it's possible, was to make sure to make Waverly happy. Because she still can.


"Nicole? What are you doing here?" Waverly asked, half asleep but beautiful just the same, as she came outside their porch. Nicole was leaning against her father's old Camry that she had convinced to borrow for the day.

"I didn't know you have a car," Waverly teased. "Much less a driver's license."

Nicole laughed. "It's my dad's and I do have a driver's license."

Waverly walked towards the redhead and hesitantly gave her a peck on the cheeks. They still hadn't talked about what happened after last night - their current status. Nicole only knew Waverly was lonely and she needed the redhead to be there.

"I've asked Gus," Nicole said, smiling. "And she agreed that I can take you out today."

Waverly's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What? But it's morning..."

Nicole grinned wider. "I have a whole day planned for you... So... do you want to go with me or not?"

The brunette looked down on her feet and Nicole swore she blushed. "I... Yeah sure, I'll just get ready..."


Nicole really tried to be there for Waverly while she still could.


"Where are we heading to?" Waverly giddily asked. They were now driving along the highway heading towards the exit sign of Purgatory. Nicole's eyes were on the road as she replied, "Outside of Purgatory."

"I get that," Waverly said with a laugh. "But where to?"

"It's a surprise," Nicole answered. "Do you want to listen to some songs on the radio?"

Waverly smiled wider as she nodded. When Nicole turned on the old stereo in front of them, Spice Girls' song Wannabe came blurting out.

"Oh, I love this song," Nicole cheerily announced as she glanced at the brunette. "I bet you do too, you and Chrissy used to sing this in the 90s themed talent show, right?"

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