"okay look, i have something i need to tell you guys" the nervous girl speaks, looking at her friends with worried eyes.

mads walks into the living room with the plate of snacks, her brows furrowed. she sits down beside hannah, waiting for nessa to speak.

"oh my god i knew it!" olivia exclaims, "you're pregnant".

the other two girls gasp with wide eyes, waiting for the confirmation from their friend but nessa simply shakes her head instead.

    "no that's definitely not it" she dismisses, finding it hard to understand how stupid her friends can be at times.

    "then what's wrong? you can tell us" mad's sympathizes, resting her hand on nessa's left leg. this gives the brunette some comfort while she tries to search for the appropriate words.

    taking a deep breath, nessa fidgets with her bracelet as she speaks.

  "i applied to the new jersey conservatory a few days ago and today i should receive an email about whether i got in or not".

  the stunned looks on her best friends' faces says it all really. nessa mentally slaps herself for being so dumb. she knew she should have waited on the email. she should have known for sure before she even dared mention it out loud.

   hannah and olivia share a sad glance and the silence is almost deafening until olivia stands up, a look of disappointment on her face.

    "i need to go" is all she mutters before making her way out of the apartment. hannah smiles sadly at nessa before she also stands up and follows olivia out the door without saying a single word.

    mads doesn't speak nor look directly at nessa. she's too busy going over the sentence in her head. she's disappointed that nessa felt she couldn't come and talk to her about something so drastically important and she's angry at herself for making nessa feel like that. her heart breaks as she thinks about the possibility of nessa leaving los angeles but above any of those other feelings, she's happy for her best friend. she's over the moon excited for her. clearly this is something that's important to nessa which means it's important to mad's.

   unable to hold back the tears, nessa breaks down, holding her head in her hands. she knew the girls wouldn't take the news well but she didn't think they'd walk out on her. weren't they supposed to be best friends? aren't they supposed to be there for each other no matter what?

    "hey hey, no don't do that. come here" mads sighs, pulling nessa into her arms. the brunette wraps her arms around mad's tightly, thankful that she's still here.

   "i'm sorry for not telling you, please don't hate me" nessa sobs, calming down a little.

    mads makes a mental note to scold olivia and hannah later on but for now she remains in the same position, her heart being crushed by nessa's plead.

   "don't be silly, i'm always going to be here for you. i could never hate you".

   nessa squeezes the blonde in response. she really needed this right now. she needed to be comforted by someone who truly cares about her. she couldn't be more grateful for mads.

   the sound of a notification going off causes both girls to snap their heads in the direction of the kitchen where nessa's phone sits on the island- the screen lit up. this is it, this is the moment she's tortured herself over for days.

both girls jump off of the couch and make a beeline for the kitchen. nessa grabs her phone- almost dropping it in the process. mads waits with anticipation, her knee bopping nervously.

as nessa reads the email, her expressions change- giving mad's different signals after each paragraph. but eventually, the girls face lights up and her eyebrows raise so high they almost touch her hairline. she can feel her whole entire body shake as she re-reads the words.

  "i got in?" she whispers.


nessa smiles widely at her best friend before jumping up and down with her phone raised in the air.

  "I GOT IN" she shrieks. mads mimics nessa's current movements. they yell and scream together happily, holding onto each other for dear life. "IM GOING TO THE CONSERVATORY".

    as they dance around the living room, emotions scattering all over and happy tears creating puddles at their feet, nessa believes that she's never been more proud of herself than she is right here in this moment. she's happy and excited and right now nothing else matters. she's allowing herself to bask in this achievement. she's allowing herself to be happy.

the only thing left to do now is tell her friends that she leaving los angeles. to tell josh that she's leaving him.


i'm evil i know👿

we got like 2-3 more chapters left
of this book boys 😕

and also
i'm flattered that someone has
felt that my storylines / plot ideas
are good enough to use for their own book and
i'd be totally okay with that normally but the least you could do is give me credit for my book ideas. 
please just don't disrespect me like that.

all love tho❤️

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