"Are you international law enforcement?" He asked in a hushed voice.

A ghost of a smile flew across her lips, as quick as a whip. "Now what would make you think that, Leon Kennedy? I mean, in a manner of speaking, you're not wrong, but what gave it away, hm?"

"Cold cases and sleuthing," Leon stated pointedly, "That's detective and law enforcement department, normally not a topic for bloggers looking for easy money. It's a job one would have to have extensive criminal justice and criminology understanding to pursue. Unless you're someone like Dan Brown or James Patterson and looking for some new venue in the writing department."

She shuddered. "Nope. No writing venture. In fact, I'm usually more of a desk monkey rather than an actual agent... Cold Cases don't offer a lot of outside time."

Yet, with her hand, Zemira signed out three letters in American Sign Language. F... B... I...

Leon arched a brow. FBI? He nodded and asked, "So why leave the office?"

He added in sign as well: given who she was, and being law enforcement, if they ended up crossing paths she'd at least know which side of the government he was in - D...S...O...

She nodded once, quickly. "Ah, needed to stretch my legs, apparently expand my horizons as well so I'm more than a desk monkey." Zemira giggled. "Not exactly my normal duties, and it's more hands-on, but... Experience!"

Leon nodded. He told her, "Well, just try not to get too lost with your job. You never know what you're gonna run into." 

"Attention all passengers. This is your pilot speaking. Please be sure all luggage has been placed in the appropriate compartment and please be mindful of clearing the aisles for our flight attendants to attend to your needs. We would like to inform you that your flight from the Washington D.C. International Airport to Iasi will take up to 18 hours, as this is a non-stop flight. We encourage you to relax, but always make sure your hands and your feet are within your seating stations. After take-off, we will be providing refreshments throughout the course of the flight. In a moment we will be providing safety procedures provided. Thank you for you time and attention."

"This again," Leon groaned quietly. He glanced over and noted an elderly couple walking towards Zemira's seat. A quick glance of her ticket prompted him to nudge the girl across the aisle.

"I hate to bother you, but I think you may have taken their seat."

He stood and stepped back, then turned to the couple. "I'm so sorry about that!" He grinned. "It looks like my sister accidentally took up your seating!"He glanced to Zemira, tilting to the empty seat next to his.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry!" She, for all intents and purposes, blushed with shame, getting to her own feet and moving seats, to the one beside Leon. "First time on a flight, it's rather overwhelming...."

At that moment, she seemed so very sweet and innocent and embarrassed, one could hear a chuckle or two in the rows behind, other passengers having watched and overheard.

The couple behind them grinned. The lady told Zemira, "Oh darling, it's quite all right! But thank you for your kindness!"

She muttered something along the lines of Such A Sweet Girl as she and her husband got comfortable. All the while Leon scooted closer to the window, not minding Zemira being his neighbor as the attendants and the pilot went over the safety procedures. When it was over, Leon knew it would be another half hour or so before take-off, due to communications between the pilot, the flight tower and the loading crew. He turned to Zemira.

"Gum?" He asked. 

"Yes please." She said sweetly, stepping easily into the role of shy, sweet younger sister. "Mint flavored?"

The Sound of Silence: Fire in the Dark, Fanfiction Book #2Where stories live. Discover now