AM Conversations

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Her eyes looked over to the time on the nightstand clock that now read 12:45am, five minutes more than the last time she checked.

She groaned with frustration before sitting up and grabbing her phone. She was debating on texting Sadie, but soon decided against it.

Her friend was most likely asleep by now and would be a very annoyed redhead if she was woken up at almost 1am.

Without much thinking Millie was up changing into a pair of leggings and her 'North Hawkins High' hoodie. She put on the same converse from earlier and tied her hair up in a short ponytail before making her way to the door.

Holding her phone in her hand already she grabbed her car keys off the hook and was now out in the empty hallway. Pushing the check mark on the key pad to lock the door, Millie headed for the elevator next.

After watching the little red screen in the elevator count each floor down as she went down Millie finally exited to the lobby.

Miss Buono was still on shift at the front desk. "Miss Buono I'm going out for a bit." She smiled at the women, but only noticed the lady flinch slightly at her voice.

"Yes Ma'am." Millie sighed and walked away from the revolving door to the front desk. She folded her arms over the marble top and smiled down at the blonde women.

"Hi." Millie spoke genuinely.

"Do you need anything Miss Brown?"

"Yes actually, I need for you to stop with the formalities. Call me Millie. Just plain old Millie. I also want to apologize."

"Apologize? To me?" She looked shocked, but Millie figured she would be.

"Yes, about the day I got here. I was tired and not being kind with you. I shouldn't have threatened your job by saying I would call my father to get you fired... it was uncalled for. I am sorry for what I did." 

Millie watched her dark brown eyes search for any sign of false kindness on her face before speaking again.

"Thank you I- I would have never expected this... you are not the one that should have to apologize to me..."

She looked down ashamed of herself and after a few minutes had also said she was sorry for the way she treated Millie when she first arrived here.

Before walking away completely Millie turned to say one more thing.

"Oh and Miss Buono? You don't have to be scared of me. I am not my parents and I would never threaten your job just to purposely place fear in you." She smiled. It would not happen again. Milieu hated acting like her parents.

"Thank you Miss Br- uh Millie. Thank you Millie, you can call me Cara?" She smiled and Millie nodded kindly before finally leaving the lobby. The air was cooler tonight making her glad she wore her hoodie.

She smiled proud as she pulled out her keys to unlock her very own Jeep Wrangler. It was Millie's first big purchase when she got to Hawkins.

The difference was this Jeep really was her very own purchase, bought with her own funds from her own bank accounts that she had been saving for years from different things. Now that she was an adult it was also in her name. This was the one thing of Millie's, that her parents truly had no control over. It was usually parked next to Sadie's own Prius.

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