"Yes, sir!"


"Y/n!" The curly, coily haired girl turned at the sound of her name. "Zachary!!" She greeted her older brother with a smile. She jogged up to him. "You seem to be working hard. Combustion man." Zachary acknowledged the hero in an uptight fashion. His voice might have cracked but who was paying attention? "Working hard always." Y/n breathed out.

"I have some great news," Y/n looked at him expectantly. "Dad's coming home tonight! He just confirmed with me so I made it over as fast as I could." Zachary smiled wide. Y/n paused in shock then cheered. "Seriously? You're kidding! You aren't kidding? Oh my.. woohoo!!!" She leaped into Zachary's arms, knocking him on his butt. Kiyoshi wanted to catch them but decided not to intervene. He smiled at the elated girl. There was nothing he wouldn't do if it meant seeing her happy.

"Y/n!!" Y/n turned to throw a bright smile at Kirishima. She was so happy. "Kiri! My man!" She cuffed hands with the red head. The two of them have gotten very close in the short amount of time they've known each other. It was something about their personalities that just worked well together.

"We're having a sleepover at mine tonight. Can I expect you?" He asked, with a hopeful smile. "Ah, sorry Kiri. My dad's coming home tonight and I'm so psyched to see him." She had this smile that just wouldn't go away in the best way possible. "Does your dad not come home every night?" Denki asked, earning a smack upside the head from Jirou. "You can't just ask people those kinds of questions idiot!" She hissed at him. Y/n laughed a bit. "No, no it's fine. I don't mind." She waved it off.

"My dad works in the hero assistance feild, helping with rescues mostly. There's all this stuff going on right now with the hero killer and all and he's been practically living at the station. It's so awesome to be able to have a night with him whenever I can." She explained, the smile only growing bigger. Bakugo kept walking by. "That must be tough to deal with." Momo commented. "Yeah. It kinda is." Y/n shrugged it off. "Well, if you need anything, our doors are always open. No questions asked." Kirishima put a hand on Y/n's shoulder. She smiled, pulling him in for a hug. "Thanks Kiri." She tightened her grip on him ever so slightly.

"Everyone! We must get to class on time! Hurry it up!!" Iida flew by, spewing protocol like there's no tomorrow. Y/n let out a laugh through her nose. "We should get going." Sero patted her back, making his way with everyone else following suit. Y/n smiled. The support she had from this class will never get old.


"Ah..That is troubling." All Might said. Combustion Man ended up going to Yuuei to consult with All Might as he originally intended. "Do you remember the voice at all?" Principal Nezu asked, turning to look at Combustion Man. "It's hard to forget, honestly. I've never heard that voice before from any villain I've encountered." He sighed, sitting back in his chair. "It's got me so worried." Aizawa looked at him.

Kiyoshi Hikoshima is the last person to be worried about anything next to All Might.

"Because it's my kid. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to Y/n." He further expanded. "Well, Kiyoshi, I can always assure you that she is safe within the walls of Yuuei. Our teachers know what they're doing." Nezu restated. "Have a little more faith, old pal!" All Might hit his back. Combustion Man jolted forward, "I will, I will. Hey Yagi...You're hits have been lacking power. Are you okay?"

All Might looked at him confused. "Of course, I'm fine. Never been better actually! Hahaha!" Combustion Man smiled a bit. Of course he's fine. "We won't forget what you've told us today. We'll all keep an eye and an ear out. You can count on us." Aizawa stood straight. "Thank you Shouta. Please, continue with teaching." Combustion Man stood up. He felt better about the dream he had.

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