Chapter 2.

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Lucifer's POV ~

I wake up, same as usual and then it hit me! Why don't I start singing at the casino? I can't be that bad at singing , can i? I walk in wearing my suit and get a job singing alongside angel. "She's in the dressing room on the left!" The receptionist tell me. I walk towards the door and hear angel singing , I walk in to see her wrapped in a towel and instantly blush. We go over what song were singing and practise , I didn't do to well , but angel said I'd be fine as soon as I got on stage. We walked out wearing matching suits and start singing, angel was right! I sound great now! We sing senorita and a few others and the get off stage as everyone started clapping. "That was brilliant! " I told her. "You were brilliant Lucifer " she told me , as she booped me. I knew instantly , I had to win her heart.

Angel's POV~

I get home to see a furious vaggie and a sad Charlie. The minute I walk in vaggie slaps me across the face. "YOU SLUT!" She screamed in my face, I was confused. I then see Alastor, he hands me a suitcase and tells me to leave and never come back. " guys..what did I do?" I asked. But before i get an answer I'm shoved out the door. I get up and brush myself off, che cazzo? What did i do? I then walk past a store and see that on the news , is me and Lucifer singing. I knock on the door of the hotel to see Charlie. "Please angel , tell me you two aren't a thing!" She sobs. "What the fuck makes you think we are a thing!?! I yell, I was pissed as fuck!  " two aren't a thing?" She asks , drying up. "OF COURSE NOT!!!" I shout , and she immediately pulls me into the hotel and sobs apologies into my floof. I tell her it's okay and she tells me I can move back in to the hotel.

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