Tsukishima Kei/Bittersweet/Mute Reader

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I used to hate him, but I really warmed up to him. He's kinda messed up in the personality department but we'll ignore that.

Slight angst?? If you squint


You knew from the beginning when you agreed to date Tsukishima that other girls would be around him all the time.

It's happened before you started dating, so why did it hurt so much now?

Maybe it's because the other girls were so much better than you.

They all had one thing you didn't.

A voice.

You grew up with abusive parents and a traumatic childhood, leaving you mute. Those years, you were so afraid, you just stopped talking. Since you've moved out, you've gotten better but still couldn't bring yourself to talk.

Tsuki knew that. You knew he loved you despite not being able to talk, even if he didn't show it often.

He understood you, and that was more than what you could ask of him.

He accepted you.

That's all you could want.

It wasn't like you were jealous of other girls. More like self conscious.

Any of the girls dwindling around him could steal him from you. He seemed so out of your league.





So, how did he end up choosing you, of all the people who were interested in him?

You asked yourself this everyday.

Even the teachers didn't particularly like you. You wouldn't participate in class, and Tsuki was such a smart student, they just didn't think he was making the right choice in picking a significant other.

You would communicate with Tsukishima through writing, scribbling down your concerns if they bugged you enough to consult him about them.

"It's not the teacher's or anyone else's choice. It's mine, and I choose you." He would say, tilting his head as if it were obvious.

You didn't like bothering him. You felt like such a burden and heavy weight, with teachers talking to him about his choices, and his classmates criticizing him, it felt like simply dating him was causing him so many problems.

All you wanted to do was care for him.

Couldn't anybody see that?

You couldn't tell anybody this, so you tried to show them.

Nobody seemed to notice it.

Sometimes after class, your classmates would pull you to the side to question you.

Today, a crowd of girls approached you when last period ended.

"Hey, are you actually mute?"

"Yeah right, they're doing it for attention." You overheard one girl whisper.

"Let's see how long they'll keep it up before she's bored." Another whispered.

You wilted in front of the group of girls, unsure of what to do.

The first girl cleared her throat and stood straighter.

"You'll get a low score in class participation if you don't talk or answer any questions. Why don't you just speak?"

𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now