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It's been a week and a half. A week and a half of puking, not being able to move and being sore. I'm also late on my period. I went to the store earlier and bought three pregnancy tests. Now I'm just waiting for the results. If I was pregnant, It could be two people's. Ben's or Ashtons. I really hope, if I am, it's Ashtons so I don't have to tell my baby that his dad was a rapist who killed himself. The minute was up so I take a deep breath and look at the tests. I take a shaky breath and shake my head.

"No, no, no" I mutter. I start crying and run out of the bathroom, into the living room where the four boys are sat.

"Lia, baby, what's wrong?" Ashton asks.

"I-I" I stutter.

"Li?" Luke asks.

"I'm pregnant"


"What?" Luke asks, shocked. Ashtons eyes widen and Calum and Michael just sit there quietly "How? Who? When?"

"Um, it could be two people's" I say "It's either Ashtons or Ben's" Luke growls and turns to Ashton.

"You got my baby sister pregnant?! She's eighteen this could ruin her whole life!" Luke yells.

"Calm down! She said it could of been Ben's" Michael snaps.

"What you slept with him too when you ran away?!" Luke scoffs. I feel a tightening in my chest and blink back tears "And you wondered why people called you a slut"

"Lucas!" Mum yells, walking in "Do not speak to her like that! Apologise"

"For what?! Stating the truth?! Go on Lia, tell her" Luke smirks.

"Mum, i-i'm pregnant" I say.

"Amelia Elizabeth Hemmings!" Mum yells "How?! Who?!"

"It's either Ben's or Ashtons" I mumble.

"Ashton I think you should leave" Mum says.

"No! You can't kick him out!" I yell.

"Lia this isn't up for discussion" Mum sighs.

"You kick him out you have to kick me out too" I say.

"Fine! Both of you out!" Mum snaps. I shake my head and run upstairs. Grabbing two suitcases and packing everything I need. I grab my gym bag and put all my photo albums and photos in it. I walk back down stairs and Ashton grabs my suitcases but I hold the gym bag close to me. I walk past the boys and mum and get into my car.

I drive to Ashtons and park on the drive, whilst Ashton parks in the garage and we walk inside. Lauren and Harry run to the door and hug Ashton then me. Anne walks in and hugs me, but I burst into tears.

"Mum can we talk to you a second?" Ashton asks.

"Of course. Lauren, Harry go up and put a film on whilst I talk to your brother and Lia" Anne says. Lauren and Harry run upstairs and Ashton puts my bags down and we walk into the living room "What's wrong honey?"

"Um, well don't freak out, but Lia may be pregnant" Ashton says "It may not be mine but even if it isn't I want to help Lia and support her. Liz kicked her out and Lukes turned his back on her. I'm all she has left"

"I'm going to be a grandma" Anne cries "Honey, you are so helpful and smart and I'm glad you're taking this well. You may only be nineteen but you're dealing with this well" Anne hugs Ashton then hugs me and I smile, hugging her back "In going to finish dinner"

"Do you need anything?" Ashton asks.

"Would Anne judge me if I ate dinner in my pyjamas?" I ask and Ashton laughs, shaking his head. We walk upstairs and into Ashtons room where I get into some checked pyjama bottoms and a black vest. I tie my hair up and lie next to Ashton on his bed. He pulls me closer to him and puts one of his large hands on my stomach.

"Hello baby" Ashton whispers "You're very lucky. You have the loveliest mummy in the world. And even if I'm not your daddy I'm gonna treat you like the prince or princess you are. Because even if you ar'nt mine, I'll love you either way"

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