"I can try," I replied shakily. But he is an Alpha, he's found me before, he's found me this time, he'll always find me.

He kisses my neck softly and I feel his teeth scrape against my skin. I moan in the back of my throat and he lifts his head. "You feel the sparks Violet, would it really be so bad to be with me?"

I can see the hurt in his eyes and I have to fight tears because I know I cause that hurt. But how do I explain it to him? How to I tell him he deserves someone better, someone who isn't so screwed up? "You don't understand," I whimpered. I'm terrified of him in a way he can never understand and it's why I ran. I have a past that he doesn't know, a past that I've been running from, a past that left me so far in the dark that I can't bare the sunlight that surrounds Peter. He may close enough to kiss but I'm still running.

“Then show me,” he replied.

“You don’t want to see what happened,” I told him but it didn’t matter because my control slipped and I was thrown back into the past only this time Peter was watching it in my head.

Creak. Creak. I sit up in bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. Creak. I look at my slightly ajar door, light spilled onto the floor from the crack. Voices come from downstairs, too low for me to hear. I hang my legs off the side of the bed and get off the bed. Mom? I think. I pad to the door, barefoot. Dad? I slowly open it. CREAK.  I stop. I listen, the voices continue, I can almost hear them. Definitely Mom and Dad.

I go down the stairs silently, avoiding the steps I know creak. Footsteps. I freeze. Then yelling. “Stay back! No!” Mommy? Why is she yelling? I crouch behind the banister and peek through the bars. There’s dark red liquid on the carpet and some is running down the side of Mommy’s face and her pale golden eyes are wide. What’s going on? She’s backing away from someone? Where’s Daddy?”

I crept down the last few steps in time for a loud growl. I whimper. Mommy’s head snaps towards me. “Run!” she urged. “Run! Run baby!” She looks back at a person I can’t see. What are you doing? No! … Stay away from…” Mom. “No! Why? God why?”

Frozen I listen to the yells. I look at Mom. Her eyes shone in the dark. “Run! Run! Run Violet!”

“Why?” I asked in a small voice. What’s going on? “Where’s Daddy”

She continued to back up. “Stay away from us!” she yelled.

I watched frozen. A lunge followed back a slurping sound and red liquid everywhere I scream. “Mommy!” I cried. “Mom!”

She screamed and I stood horrified because suddenly Mommy didn’t have a throat and I was hit with a ray of dark liquid. “Run,” she mouth before her eyes closed. I waited for them to open again. I waited for her to get up and say she was okay. “Mommy,” I whimpered trembling. “Mommy?” I waited for her to open her eyes. Why wasn’t she opening her eyes? Why isn’t she moving? “Mommy!” I yelled. “Mommy!” Tears spilled down my cheeks. I know big girls don’t cry but she won’t get up. Why won’t she get up? “Mommy get up,” I said. “Mommy!”

Her eyes fade, the light dims. No! “Mommy!” I run towards her and hear the growl. I turn around and look up confused. Why? I don’t understand. “Daddy?” I asked.

“Hey sweetie,” he whispered but the liquid, blood was around his mouth and dripping from his teeth. “I love you sweetie. It’s okay. Come to Daddy.”

I shook my head. “No! Make Mommy get up!”

Please let them be joking. But Daddy kept coming and I ran but I slipped on the blood and fell. His claws caught my shirt and I scrambled away. “Come here Violet. Mommy was going to leave! I had to make her stay.”

I shook my head. “You killed her!” I cried. “Stay away from me.”

“It’s okay Violet,” Daddy said. “I can make the pain go away. I just need you to replace her. And she’ll always be with me. Come here,” he growled.

I screamed and ran. I hid in the basement but I couldn’t see anything. It’s too dark. Darkness swallowed me up and took over. Daddy slammed the basement door open and it splintered against the wall. “Come! Here! Violet!”

I flinched back and I scratched myself with claws. I looked up at Daddy. “Stay away from me!”

He flew down the stairs and I me. I ducked around his lugs and dug my claws into one and tore a chuck out before dart to the other side of the room. Daddy fell to the ground yelling in pain. “That is not good behavior! You will replace her. I’ll mark you and that’ll make you behave!”

I felt fear choke me. I want Mommy but she’s not moving upstairs. “Ella?” a voice said upstairs and Daddy growled.

“He is not taking my mate.”

I ran and Daddy grabbed my leg pulling me down. I turned over and kicked him in the face. “Help!” I screamed. I clawed up Daddy’s hand and stumbled up the steps and fast as I could but he was right behind.

I ran to Mommy and watch in fear as Daddy advanced. “Bad. Girl!” he growled.

Then he was hit by a dark figure. “Stay away from the girl, John.”

Alpha George! Daddy snarled. “My mate! I’ll kill you and mark her. She’ll be the replacement!”

Alpha George growl and they fought. I turned away and shook Mommy’s shoulder. “Please wake up,” I whispered. “Please Mommy.”

I turned in time to see Daddy’s head being torn off his body and tossed across the room. I gapped horrified. “Violet,” Alpha George whispered. “Are you hurt?”

“Why won’t she move?” I cried.

He pulled me away from Mommy. “I’m so sorry sweetie.”

“She won’t move,” I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. “Blood. Her blood. Dark. Why won’t she move? Why won’t she wake up?”

“Come on,” he whispered.

He started to take me away but I broke free and threw myself over her body and blood soaked my clothes. “Wake up!” I screamed. “Wake up!” I tried to shake her head but I stopped when I saw the pieces of her throat and I felt bile rise. “Mommy?”

Alpha George’s arms wrapped around me and pulled me back. “I’m so sorry Violet.”

I saw Daddy kill Mommy and then he tried to make me his mate. Who wouldn’t that screw up?

I looked up at Peter and his eyes were black. “Mine!” he growled. “You. Are. Mine!” He pressed me to his body and buried his face in my neck. “Mine,” he whispered.

I broke down in tears and he lowered me to the ground. I clutched Peter as tightly as he held me. He’s the only real thing that I’m sure about. “Peter I sobbed. “Peter, Peter, Peter.”

A moment of perfect despair.

My evil plan revealed! Hey guys! Two updates for the holiday! MERRY CHRISTMAS guys!

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