"'Back way'?" Revna found herself annoyed. "You mean we could have avoided the crowds all along?"

"Well, you know, yes. But, 'advertising'!" She made a dramatic flourish with her hands. "It's better now, for me, if they think that the great Scorpion Black is still a guest of this most humble and agreeable merchant who just happens to have new, expensive stock."

"You are unbelievable." Revna gave the reins of her horse to the bowing and scraping servant that had appeared.

Finds-Things was true to her word. The back way led to a thin passage, hidden between two tall buildings, that twisted and turned for some distance before reaching a grating of some kind. It looked like the entrance to a sewer, or to a flood tunnel, but the tunnel inside was, to their surprise, quite dry.

The tunnel was unlit, but Öenthir's Mage Light was useful once again, leading the way until another grating came in to sight. This grating led outside the city walls and Revna took a second to marvel at the sheer height of them once again. Some things she would miss about Abah's Landing.

As promised, their horses were, indeed, at the wayshrine waiting for them. At this time of night, not even goats were around. The city, that never seemed to fail to have large, thronging crowds, was for once quiet. At least from the wayshrine.

"And now we must make our farewells." Finds-Things took Öenthir's hand. "May all your spells be powerful ones, little one."

"Good bye, Finds." Öenthir gave the Argonian a hug that Finds-Things did not expect.

"May all your enemies fall before your blades." Finds-Things bowed to Itagaki and the Redguard, silent, returned the gesture. "And you, my sweet Dunmer princess!"

"Keep your hands to yourself, you thieving bugger." Tilly stepped back with a scowl and then, after a second, both she and Finds-Things erupted into huge grins and gave each other powerful hugs.

"And my beautiful Scorpion Black." Finds-Things took Revna's hand and kissed it, her eyes never leaving Revna's. "If only I had been a tall, blonde Nord. And male, I suppose. What beautiful lovemaking we would have made. Forgive me? For my greed?"

"Never." Revna didn't pull her hand away, but gave a small smile to the Argonian. "But I won't kill you for it. This time."

Finds-Things laughed and patted Revna's hand before kissing it once again and then letting go with great reluctance.

Öenthir had already started the process of working her magicks, using one of her remaining soul gems. The slight blue flame in the brazier-like bowl had begun to flare, to grow and brighten, even before she added the soul gem. Then the glow expanded, widening and brightening, until the entire wayshrine became bathed in the warm blue light.

Tilly jumped through first, after patting Finds-Things on the shoulder, tugging her horse along by the reins. Öenthir followed, leading her horse into the wayshrine's glow and then Itagaki strode forward, her grip tight upon the reins.

Finally, it was time for Revna. She looked at the wayshrine and its blue glow and then glanced at Finds-Things. She raised her hand and cupped the Argonians face, smiling as Finds-Things curled her head into the palm. How could one not forgive someone with such a cheeky face?

Straightening her back, she pulled on her horses reins and stepped forward into the glow of the wayshrine. She didn't see the happy tear that Finds-Things-Not-Lost wiped away.

ii. Tilly.

It was a swamp.

She knew it was going to be a swamp. She'd heard several times that it was going to be a swamp. It was only now, when she looked out across the landscape, with what seemed like millions of insects chirruping and buzzing and flitting about, and her boots were ankle deep in murky, stagnant water that it actually became a reality.

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