Chapter 1

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*Sofia's POV*


I rushed into my fiancé's office, almost running face first into the huge wooden door from running too fast. I quickly recovered from my stumble as excitement coursed through my body. All because a piece of paper in my hand. 

I dashed through the door to where Damien was seating at his desk. I saw him visibly jump at my outburst. 

"Sofia! Is there something wrong?" he exclaimed as he stood up from his chair and stepped our form behind his desk, his hands went to my waist to stop me from running. "Are you alright?"

My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. "Everything is more than alright. You will never guess what just arrived."

"Is it your wedding dress?"

I could have melted right there and then at the eagerness in his tone. All day and night the only thing in his mind was our wedding. Of course it was also on mine, ever since the day that he had proposed. It had been the happiest day of my life so far and I didn't doubt that our wedding day would top it. But now another event was all that I could think of. 

"Not that. Yet," I giggled as his face fell for a half of a second. "It doesn't have to do with our wedding. "

"Then? I can't imagine anything more important for now," he said, puzzled. Then his eyes grew wide. "You're not- I mean-are you?"

Confused I looked up at him for an explanation and my own eyes widened when his gaze went down to my stomach as well as his hands. I felt my face warm up as I grabbed his hands and made him look at me. 

"No! Of course not!" I exclaimed, surprised that he would think of that situation. "I mean I am not saying that that would be a bad thing, but it's definitely not the situation right now."

He visibly deflated again and I once again found myself wondering what I had done to deserve a man like Damien. We had known each other for years, since we were children, and up until a few years ago we had just had a friendship. I was ecstatic when he had told me he felt the same way. Yes, I was the one who confessed first, but he had reciprocated what I felt. The years that followed had been the best years of my life. I had the love of my life and worked as a journalist, writing had always been my talent since I was a little girl. Damien was the new mayor, he had proposed, and we were happy. I couldn't be happier. 

"Then? What can be more important?"

I took a deep breath. "Does the name Markiplier give you a hint?"

Damien froze for a second. "Mark? Has something happened to him?"

"No, well nothing bad at least. We just received an invitation from the one and only Markiplier!"

"I can't believe this!" he exclaimed, a smile once again claiming his features. "It has been years!"

"I know! He's inviting us for a poker night. Here, this is the invitation." I handed him the elegant looking envelope and paper that had arrived at our door a few moments earlier. 

Damien all but snatched it out of my hands. I smirked at his excitement, he was like a little kid during Christmas. He opened the white envelope, the golden seal splitting in half sideways. His grin widened when he caught the words 'FUTURE MR AND MRS MAYOR'

The little joke had also made me smile when I saw it. I guessed the news about our engagement had spread quickly and the writing was obviously Mark's. He had always been really funny since we were kids and the thought that he was back to the old Mark he used to be calmed me down, knowing the news the invitaion carried weren't bad.

"Dear Damien and Sofia, you are hereby invited to a fun night of poker and games with your dear friend, Mark. The event will take place in Markiplier Manor in 2 nights from tonight. You are being invited to stay for a few days if necessary. Come prepared to have a night you will never forget," Damien read aloud as his eyes scanned the invitation. "Signed, Markiplier. Huh. Markiplier Manor."

"Yeah, ever since he became a famous actor he renamed the manor. But I hear he hasn't changed a thing from the manor since we were children."

"That place certainly holds some memories. Remember when we all used to visit them?"

"Of course, we had many fun times there. Especially when Celine and I used to hide from you three."

He chuckled as he recalled all of the times that his older twin sister and I had made him worry when we disappeared in the huge property. "Promise me you won't do the same thing when we go in a few nights." The corner of his lips during up in the corners as he put the invitation down and settled his hands on my waist once again. 

I pretended to think about it. "Don't worry, I'll be too busy robbing you blind that I won't have time to hide. "I giggled at his offended expression as I put my hands on his shoulders and the back of his neck.

Damien pouted jokingly as I laughed louder this time. "I also can't wait to see your old tricks from university."

"Please don't remind me."

"Too late. I will be devastated if you don't do your old little handstand thing," I taunted, trying to not laugh at the blush that started to appear on his face. "Please?"

He exhaled loudly through his nose and closed his eyes. "Okay I promise I'll do my best, darling." He smirked when my own blush started to appear. He knew that the 'loving nicknames' as he called them, always made me stammer and my face to heat up. 4 years and he still made me blush like a schoolgirl. 

"Okay whatever."

He chuckled as he finally let go of me with a kiss on the forehead. My growing blush went unnoticed by him as he returned to his desk. 

"I have to be keep working, darling. But I suggest that you go pack or decide what you will wear to the game night."

"Alright, but so should you. You make it sound like I'm the one who takes 2 hours gelling their hair and getting ready every morning, when we really know it's someone else." I teased as I walked out of his office up to our room. 

His embarrassed chuckle followed me out of the study as I walked to the stairs. He made me blush and stutter, but I also had a few tricks up my sleeve. But now, I had to plan for the night ahead. Little did I know that it would change my fiancé's and my life forever. And not in the way that we hoped. 

There is the first chapter of my new book! I am a little more confident for this story and I hope yall enjoyed it! (Y/N) will be in this story as the D/A but they will not be the main character. I didn't want to take them out so they will be seen I think in then next chapter. This was more of a background chapter. Please stay around to read this story and hope yall enjoyed. 


His Shadow (Damien/Darkiplier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now